Pure Good Wiki


Pure Good Wiki

Alfred Pennyworth is the deuteragonist of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy. He is the butler of Bruce Wayne, whom he has nurtured since he was born and continued to after his parents were murdered, providing him with wisdom and insight.

He is portrayed by Michael Caine.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

  • He assures a young Bruce Wayne that he was not responsible for the murder of his parents.
  • He assists Bruce Wayne in acquiring the tools needed for him to become Batman, and suggests that he adopts a playboy persona to downplay public suspicion that he is Batman.
  • He reminds Bruce not to get too carried away with his Batman persona after seeing the property destruction he was responsible for on television.
  • As he returns to a burning Wayne Manor after taking Rachel home, he takes down a League of Shadows member to rescue Bruce.
  • When Wayne Manor is burned down and Bruce feels like he has let his family's legacy down, Alfred assures Bruce that it is not just about the manor, and that he will never give up on him. This motivates Bruce to defeat Ra's al Ghul.
  • He helps Bruce stitch up a wound caused from a dog bite.
  • As Bruce is trying to understand the Joker's motives, he gives insight on what type of person he may be, based on his own personal experience in his military career in dealing with the Burmese Bandit.
  • He talks Bruce out of turning himself into the police.
  • He helps Bruce save Coleman Reese from getting murdered.
  • He tells Bruce how he caught the Burmese Bandit, by "burning the forest down." Bruce adopts a similar idea which leads to him successfully taking down the Joker.
  • He burns Rachel's letter detailing that he would marry Harvey Dent, feeling that it served him no benefit and it would cause him more pain than good.
  • He encourages Bruce to get back into the world after spending so much time living in reclusion.
  • When Bruce returns to being Batman after eight years of absence, he tries to talk him out of it. He remarks that he has nothing left to gain from doing so, by going to the length of abandoning him completely, feeling that it was the last resort he could do and believing it would make the difference between life and death.


  • Alfred is one of the two Dark Knight trilogy heroes to be Pure Good, alongside James Gordon.

External Links[]


           TheBatman Pure Goods

Theatrical Movies
The Dark Knight Trilogy: James Gordon

The LEGO Batman Movie: Robin | Batgirl

Batman: The Animated Series: Batgirl
The Batman: Batman
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Red Hood
Harley Quinn (TV Series): Batgirl

See Also
DC Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | Warner Bros. Pure Goods

           WBLogo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Gandalf | Aragorn | Éowyn | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Mrs. Brisby | Justin | Nicodemus | Hubie | Petra, Beany, and Timmy | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Batgirl | Kayley | Garrett | Hogarth Hughes | Iron Giant | D.J. Drake | Victor Van Dort | Emily Merrimack | Monty Uno | Mumble | Lex Luthor | Robin Hood | Starfire | Emmet Brickowski | Athena | Pops Maellard | Robin | Batgirl | Lloyd Garmadon | Master Wu | Courage |

Live-Action Features
Dorothy Gale | Atreyu | Gizmo | Nancy Thompson | John Keating | Luke Eveshim | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Paul Edgecomb | John Coffey | Lily Potter | D.J. Drake | James Gordon | Roy Eberhardt | Ofelia | Superman (2006) | Soichiro Yagami | Solomon Vandy | Paul Conroy | Gandalf | Frodo Baggins | Jack | Superman (DCEU) | Jor-El | Ed Warren | Lorraine Warren | Judy Warren | Bard the Bowman | Ford Brody | Ishiro Serizawa | Newt Scamander | Mason Weaver | Sister Irene | Mera |

Animated Television
DC TV shows
Batgirl | Red Star | Batman | Red Hood | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Beast Boy | Hawkgirl | Starfire | Miss Martian | Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) | Amanda Waller | Lois Lane | Superboy | Superman | Batgirl | Aqualad | The Flash | Hawkman | Aquaman | Superman | Princess Fione
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn
Courage | Samurai Jack | Bubbles | Monty Uno | Juniper Lee | Ilana | Pops Maellard | Connie Maheswaren | Greg | Blisstina

Tv Show Television
Barry Allen | Harrison Wells | Kara Danvers | Khione | Mon-El | M'yrnn J'onzz | Superman
Clark Kent | The Flash | Jack Kline

Blossom | Brunette | Bubbles | Miles "Tails" Prower | Daffy Duck | Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup

Video Games
The Flash | Supergirl | Lex Luthor

Apprentice Terra

Also See
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Batman Pure Goods | Cartoon Network Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Lego Pure Goods | Looney Tunes Pure Goods | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pure Goods | Middle-earth Pure Goods | MonsterVerse Pure Goods | New Line Cinema Pure Goods | Ninjago Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | The Conjuring Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | WingNut Films Pure Goods
