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Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman, is the titular main protagonist of The Batman and its 2005 direct-to-video tie-in film The Batman vs. Dracula.

He is a masked vigilante who is the hero of Gotham City.

He was voiced by Rino Romano who also voiced Spider-Man in the Playstation games.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

  • He fought and defeated many supervillains.
  • He tried to redeem many of his villains, succeeding with Clayface (aka Ethan Bennett), Francis Grey, and Man-Bat.
  • He never sought out vengeance for his parents' death.
    • While he admitted to Dick Grayson that his childhood once got filled with revenge, it shows that he had already subverted that corrupting quality before the series, as he continued to help people, fight dangerous supervillains/criminals, and redeeming repentant individuals. He also told him that he did not want him to go down the same path of revenge as he did.
  • While he at first had trouble trusting people, he eventually subverts that quality, as he is more open to work with them and teams rather than working alone.
  • He gently put aside a Arkham Asylum staff member who was infected by the Joker gas.
  • When first meeting Joker at Arkham, he told him he needed help, showing he was willing to help him.
  • In his first encounter with Joker, he made sure to pop Joker's hot air balloon full of Joker toxin under the sea so it wouldn't harm anyone.
  • After Penguin rudely hit on a woman, he went outside and asked said woman if she was okay.
  • He rescued Cluemaster's three hostages before defeating him.
  • Even though it caused for Cosmo Krank to develop a grudge and seek revenge against Bruce for shutting down his toy company, Bruce did a right thing of advocating for Krank's company to be shut down permanently as the toys are extremely dangerous and falsely advertised as "safe". Bruce showed evidence to the Wayne Industries meeting board that the toys had caused more harm than good to the children, which explained that Krank's grudge against Bruce started for nothing but outright pettiness, as Krank neither acknowledged nor showed concern over the dangers of his toys prior to the shutdown.
  • In a tie-in comic, he could have taken down multiple thugs of Black Mask before facing him personally, but he inserted a disk footage of him as Bruce, and it features him offering the thugs opportunities of redemption by convincing them to go to the right path by restarting/finishing education and getting honest jobs with Wayne Industries, and it went successfully as all thugs walked away while ignoring Black Mask's orders.
  • He gave credit to Detective Cash Tankenson of defeating Krank's razor-clawed Zoom Pet toy that was sent to kill him, and he got Tankenson out of trouble with Commissioner Gordon by stating that he had his back of defeating Krank.
  • He convinced both Ethan Bennett and Ellen Yin that he was needed in Gotham, eventually working alongside Yin numerous times.
  • He stopped Ethan as Clayface from murdering Rojas and Joker even though both of them were terrible him as Batman.
  • He saved Tankenson and Mayor Grange when Joker hacked into Gotham's cable network to broadcast his crimes and prevented him from spreading his toxin into the city.
  • He personally delivered a hearing aid for a girl named Carly who he believed was deaf. Even if he was being lied to, the fact that he went out of his way to help her was admirable.
  • He felt remorse when he found out he accidentally turned Victor Fries into Mr. Freeze. Even then he admits to Freeze that what happened was really his own fault.
  • He traveled into Joker's twisted mind to find where he kept Yin, managing to resist Joker's attempts to drive him insane.
  • He defeated Joker, Penguin, and Riddler and saved Gotham from the three's crime spree.
  • Although he initially disapproved of Barbara Gordon fighting crime as Batgirl, he decided not to tell her father about her secret identity.
  • He provided Batgirl with extra equipment after realizing that she helped him defeat Maxie Zeus.
  • He saved Prank from being thrown into a vat of chemicals by Joker.
  • He defeated DAVE, saving Alfred from the robot and having Hugo Strange arrested for creating him.
  • He adopted Grayson when his parents were killed and brought the killer, Tony Zucco, to justice.
  • Instead of scolding Grayson for trying to save him from Zucco at the last minute, he not only praised him but he also allowed Dick to become Robin soon after Zucco's defeat, having gained trust in him.
  • While it looked like Batman punched an old lady without even asking something or saying anything to her, it can be visibly noticeable that the "old lady" had one of the flowers on the chest that Poison Ivy used to not only brainwash people of Gotham but also creating plant-like duplicate figures, and the "old lady" was really an imposter as "she" never even reacted to a giant bat figure being present at the store, in which gave "her" away.
  • He taught Batgirl and Robin to cooperate as a team to defeat Penguin's team of supervillains.
  • Although Batman enlisted Batgirl and Robin as crime-fighters as he trained them further, he never weaponized them or obligate them to always accompany him as sidekicks, as he allowed them to prioritize their normal lives before their superhero alter egos. He only brings them along to stop crime whenever he needs them or they choose to go with him to help.
  • As he at first prohibited Batgirl and Robin from accompanying him to fight the Joining, he revealed the main reason for not allowing them to help him: he never wanted to lose them.
  • He may had strictly ordered Robin to get dressed for a charity event instead of letting him interact with Green Lantern, it was only because his meeting with Green Lantern had to be extremely urgent regarding Sinestro's upcoming threat that was eventually ended with his defeat. Had it been a normal social gathering, he would have allowed Robin to interact with Green Lantern.
  • When Riddler's ex-girlfriend Julie was found to have played in a role for his turn to villainy, he showed sympathy to the Riddler and had her arrested for incrimination.
  • He tried to reason with Harley Quinn despite holding it against her for humiliating him on her live television show and only resorted to fighting when she didn't listen to him.
    • While he (as Bruce) did walk out of her live television show with fed-up anger and irritation, it was justified considering that he only wanted to promote a charity-drive for crime victims, though Harley's obnoxious attitude and her disrespectful and humiliating statements implying his private life were things that made him walk off the show. Not to mention that Harley lied to Bruce regarding the promotion of a charity-drive on her live show, as her only intention was to make him talk about his private life, so Bruce's reaction towards her cannot be blamed for the downfall of her live television show, as the latter was pulled off the air while she brought the villainy upon to herself.
  • He prevented himself from unleashing a toxin onto Gotham while under the effects of a hallucination caused by Hugo Strange.
  • He saved his villains from being killed by the vigilante Rumor, upholding his policy against murder. He also saved Rumor from the villains when they tried to murder him afterwards, despite the fact he easily could have left Rumor to his fate.
  • He did not hesitate to go assist Superman once Metallo began attacking him with the Kryptonite at hand, and he saved Superman from being killed off. He never asked Superman for anything in return after saving him, but instead he tried to convince Superman to team up with him and the newly formed Justice League.
    • While Batman had kept the Kryptonite instead of giving it to Superman, so the latter would get rid of it, it was only a heating-up moment to get back at him for finding out his secret identity by "peeking" under his mask using his X-ray vision without permission or consent, while he never intended to harm Superman with the Kryptonite he kept hidden. Once the mind controlled Superman (coming from Poison Ivy's mind controlling spores mixed with the Kryptonite powder) was revealed to Batman by Luthor, he went back to prepare the Kryptonite to subdue and free Superman from Luthor's hand.
    • He successfully freed Superman as they later saved the world from Luthor's plans to conquer it.
    • Following Luthor's defeat, Batman truthfully then offered to give the lead-sealed Kryptonite to Superman so he could really throw it to the Sun, though he let him keep it in case whether Superman might lose control and potentially even become villainous.
  • He stopped Joker 2.0 from killing the original Joker.
  • While Batman did first try to apprehend Martian Manhunter before fighting him when the latter sucker-punched him, it was out of pure uncertainty, as he genuinely believed that he could have been a potential threat that figured out his secret identity. However, he soon put aside his suspicions when Martian Manhunter reveals his true intentions to help save the Earth from an impending invasion. Once things had clarified, Batman agreed to help him.
  • Though Batman did prepared secret contingency weapons that would use against Superman, the Flash, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern, he truly stated it was only for precautionary measures whenever they go involuntarily rogue, given his previous experience with the temporarily brainwashed Superman (the latter even defended Batman's point as they questioned him), and that it was the right moment to use them as their villainous android duplicates had stolen their powers.
  • He worked alongside Martian Manhunter, and later the Justice League, to save the world from the Joining's invasion on two separate occasions.
  • He felt sad for Joker when he thought he died after being electrocuted by his own joy buzzer.
  • He fed a vampirized Joker some of his blood to prevent him from dying of starvation and later cured him of his vampirism in spite of his villainy.
    • He even expressed horror when first seeing Dracula's bite mark on Joker's neck during their fight at the blood bank.
  • He creates an antidote and cured all the vampirized victims in Gotham City instead of killing them since they are innocent people who were turned into vampires by Dracula.
  • Though he killed Dracula by using the artificial bright light coming from the prototype solar energy-storing machine, it was ultimately necessary due to how powerful and dangerous the vampire is and Dracula would pose an unstoppable threat if he was spared. It is implied that Batman even wanted to spare Dracula if he was transformed into a human with the antidote, though it was a failure considering that Dracula was a pure natural vampire, therefore leaving Batman no choice but to use the bright light to eliminate Dracula once and for all.
    • While it technically means that Batman broke his "no-kill" rule in that situation, he was absolutely in the right to do so, as Dracula was extremely dangerous and was impossible to contain or capture, even with the best gadgets. Dracula was never a human, but a supernatural being; therefore, in a way, Batman did not actually kill anyone in that scenario.
  • Unlike other incarnations of Batman, he has no anti-heroic or corrupting qualities and is more heroic and relatable in comparison.
  • Even though he is taken very seriously as he fought crime over the years, he is still taken lightly.


  • He is currently the only official version of Batman to be Pure Good.

External Links[]


           TheBatman Pure Goods

Theatrical Movies
The Dark Knight Trilogy: James Gordon

The LEGO Batman Movie: Robin | Batgirl

Batman: The Animated Series: Batgirl
The Batman: Batman
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Red Hood
Harley Quinn (TV Series): Batgirl

See Also
DC Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | Warner Bros. Pure Goods

           WBLogo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Gandalf | Aragorn | Éowyn | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Mrs. Brisby | Justin | Nicodemus | Hubie | Petra, Beany, and Timmy | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Batgirl | Kayley | Garrett | Hogarth Hughes | Iron Giant | D.J. Drake | Victor Van Dort | Emily Merrimack | Monty Uno | Mumble | Lex Luthor | Robin Hood | Starfire | Emmet Brickowski | Athena | Pops Maellard | Robin | Batgirl | Lloyd Garmadon | Master Wu | Courage |

Live-Action Features
Dorothy Gale | Atreyu | Gizmo | Nancy Thompson | John Keating | Luke Eveshim | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Paul Edgecomb | John Coffey | Lily Potter | D.J. Drake | James Gordon | Roy Eberhardt | Ofelia | Superman (2006) | Soichiro Yagami | Solomon Vandy | Paul Conroy | Gandalf | Frodo Baggins | Jack | Superman (DCEU) | Jor-El | Ed Warren | Lorraine Warren | Judy Warren | Bard the Bowman | Ford Brody | Ishiro Serizawa | Newt Scamander | Mason Weaver | Sister Irene | Mera |

Animated Television
DC TV shows
Batgirl | Red Star | Batman | Red Hood | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Beast Boy | Hawkgirl | Starfire | Miss Martian | Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) | Amanda Waller | Lois Lane | Superboy | Superman | Batgirl | Aqualad | The Flash | Hawkman | Aquaman | Superman | Princess Fione
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn
Courage | Samurai Jack | Bubbles | Monty Uno | Juniper Lee | Ilana | Pops Maellard | Connie Maheswaren | Greg | Blisstina

Tv Show Television
Barry Allen | Harrison Wells | Kara Danvers | Khione | Mon-El | M'yrnn J'onzz | Superman
Clark Kent | The Flash | Jack Kline

Blossom | Brunette | Bubbles | Miles "Tails" Prower | Daffy Duck | Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup

Video Games
The Flash | Supergirl | Lex Luthor

Apprentice Terra

Also See
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Batman Pure Goods | Cartoon Network Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Lego Pure Goods | Looney Tunes Pure Goods | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pure Goods | Middle-earth Pure Goods | MonsterVerse Pure Goods | New Line Cinema Pure Goods | Ninjago Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | The Conjuring Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | WingNut Films Pure Goods
