Pure Good Wiki

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Pure Good Wiki
Pure Good Wiki
Am I the son of a panda? The son of a goose? A student? A teacher? Turns out I'm all of them. I am the Dragon Warrior! Get it? See the giant dragon? Ha ha ha haaa! Get ready to feel the thunder. THIS IS AWESOME!
~ Po before vanquishing Kai in the Spirit Realm
I don't care how dangerous this is. It's gonna take a lot more than robots and aliens to slow a dragon down!
~ Sash Lilac

Pure Goods who are dragons, or at least have traits of them and/or the power to turn into them. Much like heroes with demonic natures, these heroic dragons (or at least individuals that highly associated with dragons or possesses dragon physiology) may be good from start or originally evil, but due to the event in their lives, they ended up at the good side, whether it was occurred from their backstory or confrontation with other heroes. However, they still a dangerous opponent due to their capabilities in flight, resistant scales, and their signature breath attacks that commonly in form of fire/flamethrower blasts. These guys are the opposite of Pure Evils who are Dragons.

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