Pure Good Wiki


Pure Good Wiki
Pure Good Wiki
Otis, you're gonna have to grow up one day. You'll never be happy if you spend all your time goofin' off.
~ Ben to his adopted son Otis on how to be more mature like him.
Paul: Toot, one more remark like that I'll have Van Hay rolled on two for real. I'll have one less crazy old trustee in the world.
Brutus: It was pretty funny.
Paul: That's why I don't like it, we'll be doing this for real tomorrow night. I don't anybody remember some stupid joke like that getting going again. You ever try not to laugh in church when something gets stuck in your head is the same goddamn thing.
~ Paul Edgecomb after Toot makes a joke the day before Arlen Bitterbuck's execution.

Seriously Good heroes are heroes that are largely on the very serious side in the way to go about their heroism, rather than being comedic or as enjoyable and loved as a Love Exalted. Instead, they have a very serious presence, act like your strict law enforcer, and are not silly nor played for laughs, lack humorous aspects, and whenever they do something entertaining, it is usually for an important purpose that needs to be done, not so much the other way around. They are particularly averse to acting playful and overly joyful; rather, they tend to act very solemn and pleasant.

Unlike their evil counterpart Game Changers, Seriously Good heroes do not darken the story and keep it lighthearted, regardless of origin. They are the opposite of Laughably Evil, and the Pure Good equivalent to Game Changers.

Samurai Jack, Ben, Qui-Gon Jinn, Monty Uno, Black Panther, Peeta Mellark, Soichiro Yagami, Optimus Prime, Cyno and James Gordon are prime examples of what a Seriously Good Pure Good should be (at least as far as PG heroes are concerned).

Comic Reliefs NEVER qualify due to the fact that those Pure Goods are meant to be much less serious than this category.

It is rare for a Love Exalted to qualify as Seriously Good due to how it's meant for characters who are as pleasant as possible. Seriously Goods don't always go this route given how they are too serious to be that enjoyable.

They can be in some cases if they have multiple serious moments along with a lot of moments where they're as enjoyable to be around as possible involving:

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