Pure Good Wiki

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Pure Good Wiki
Pure Good Wiki
Yeah, I'm short all right... (growls) ...and so is my TEMPER!!!
~ Tiff unleashes her wrath when she sees an anime the Otakings made about her because she was portrayed as an "airhead" in Geek Anime! Fumu-tan of the Stars.
Are you kidding me? I mean, I know you're evil and everything, but you hurt a teensy, little, harmless firefly!? REALLY!? Well, you're just a great, big... MEANIE! THERE, I SAID IT!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SPECIAL!!? LIKE THE RULES OF COMMON COURTESY DON'T APPLY TO YOU!!? WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEPONY YOUR OWN SIZE!!!?
~ Fluttershy/Saddle Rager losing her temper at Mane-iac.
Donald's anger issues stem from a fear that the world is out to get him. And that no one understands him, quite literally. His tendency to lash out was wildly unfocused, until you kids came along. He came to me wanting to be the best parent he could. So he channeled that anger into protective instincts. Every outburst is Donald wanting to protect his family. He loves you so much, the thought of anything bad happening to you infuriates him!
~ Donald Duck's anger management councilor explaining the reason behind Donald's rage.

These characters are obviously Pure Good but they also get angry very easily, usually over unfairness or cruelty that they witness. Despite their good behavior, they seem to have anger problems and a hard time managing their temper, but the difference with non-pure goods being wrathful and wrathful pure goods is that wrathful pure goods learn how to manage their temper and cut it down, whereas at least most non-pure goods who are wrathful don't. If a pure good lets his or her anger get uncontrollable they would feel a good amount of remorse after their explosion.

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