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Pure Good Wiki

I hate to disappoint you Big Bot, but in the heat of battle, I have to follow my instincts, not blind faith.
~ Cheetor's motto.

Cheetor is the deuteragonist of the Beast Wars Era of Transformers Generation One, serving as one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Rhinox) of Beast Wars: Transformers and the deuteragonist of Beast Machines: Transformers.

He is the youngest member of the Axalon crew that matures over the course of both series into being a worthy successor of Optimus Primal, ultimately taking over as leader following his sacrifice.

He was voiced by Ian James Corlett.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • Despite initially being an arrogant hothead, he gradually matures into a capable leader and subverts all his previous corrupting qualities.

Beast Wars[]

Season 1[]

  • He tried to volunteer in Primal's place when Dinobot challenged Primal to a duel to the death for leadership of the Maximals.
    • Despite this, he quickly warmed up to Dinobot after he joined the Maximals.
  • Though he lashed out at Rattrap for being a jerk to him after he broke Rhinox's comlink due to carelessness, he apologizes and officially considers Rattrap his pal after he rescues him from the Predacon base, even though Rattrap was still his trademark jerk self.
  • He saved both the Maximals and Predacons from being destroyed by a bomb due to the common Energon link between their bases.
  • He cured Optimus from an infection that turned him to a destructive berserker.
  • He sacrificed his lockchip to ensure Airazor would be born.
  • He tried to comfort Tigatron after his love interest/friend died.
  • He came up with a successful plan to infiltrate the Predacon base to gather intel, successfully discovering the Vok had a golden disk similar to the one Megatron stole and now had.
  • He volunteered to destroy the planet buster to save Earth instead of Primal risking his life to do it.

Season 2[]

  • He and Rattrap saved Silverbolt from being killed by Dinobot, with Cheetor reminding him that it's not what Optimus would've done, convincing Silverbolt to defect to the Maximals.
  • He tried to save Tigatron and Airazor from being kidnapped from the Vok and remained their strongest advocate, persistently insisting the Maximals focus their attention on rescuing them.
  • He put out the flames of the proto-human valley following Dinobot's sacrifice, ensuring the flames didn't spread and threaten humanity's ancestors.
  • Noticing Silverbolt's obvious feelings for Blackarachnia, he promised to bring her back in one piece after Primal ordered him to capture her when Silverbolt refused. He also held no grudges for Silverbolt knocking him out to go himself.

Season 3[]

  • He tried to thank Depth Charge for saving him only for Depth Charge to insult him.
  • He and Blackarachnia defended two lost protohuman children from the Predacons and reunited them with their tribe.
  • He taught the two protohuman children concepts about defense and engineering to further develop humanity and successfully have them fend off Predacons on their own.
  • He saved Tigerhawk from Tarantulas.
  • Though he briefly backslid into being a jerk during his "cyber-puberty" phase, he grew out of the phase and returned to his kind self.

Beast Machines[]

Season 1[]

  • He rescued Optimus and Rattrap from Vehicons.
  • He and Blackarachnia dragged an enraged Primal out to retreat after they all discovered Megatron had conquered Cybertron and created the Vehicons, presumably to keep Primal from killing Megatron in cold-blooded rage, which Cheetor was sure Primal would not accept from any of his men.
  • He carried Blackarachnia to safety after she was rendered unconscious during an attack by the Vehicons.
  • He warned Rattrap not to steal the transformation enhancer, correctly suspecting using it would go wrong.
  • He was the only one to refuse to eat the fruit from the mysterious fruit tree, pointing out rational/pragmatic concerns and rejecting blind faith.
    • After the fruit tree rendered the other Maximals primitive beasts, Cheetor destroyed it to save them.
  • After Primal had been severely injured via using his power to reformat Nightscream, Cheetor took up leadership of the Maximals on his request.
  • Despite being understandably angry at first for Rattrap disobeying orders and wrecking his plan, he later stood up for Rattrap when the other Maximals were backbiting him badly and felt remorse when Primal called out everyone for undervaluing Rattrap despite being the least responsible.
  • Though he initially tried to defend Optimus' leadership capabilities with sympathy, he realized Primal was growing increasingly detached and took over daily combat operations while Primal communed with the Oracle.
  • He and Rattrap discovered Tankor was Rhinox, and although they backpedaled on forcibly reformatting him, under Primal’s orders, Cheetor understandably frowned upon Primal letting Rhinox continue his evil ways, when they could have put him under the Maximals’ custody until they can get through their old friend without rewriting his memory. In fact, one could say Cheetor found it hypocritical for Primal to give up (so soon) on Rhinox after Primal forgave Dinobot, Silverbolt and Black Arachnia’s past actions as Predacons.
    • On that note, Cheetor could have cited that the original Optimus Prime would NEVER leave his own men to fate, even if it means sacrificing himself.
  • He was the only one with the courage to call out Primal’s increasingly reckless actions and fanaticism in making Cybertron purely organic, something Cheetor was skeptical of from the start.
  • In the finale, he stopped Primal from activating the Plasma Energy Chamber, correctly deducing it would lead to armageddon, thereby saving Cybertron from an organic apocalypse and Primal from becoming just as mad a Knight Templar as Megatron was. He also came up with an alternative plan to stop Megatron
    • Though Primal activates it at the last second in desperation after Tankor foiled Cheetor's plan, he soon realized Cheetor was right about the consequences and sacrificed himself before any permanent damage could be done.

Season 2[]

  • Though he briefly pounces on Nightscream when he suggests Cheetor wanted Primal gone, it was understandable as that was an awful thing to say and he lays off Nightscream when he realizes he didn't really mean it maliciously (like he wanted Primal dead).
  • He led the Maximals in attempting to recover and restore Cybertron's population and honored a truce with the remaining Vehicon Generals.
  • He forgave/reconciled with Optimus with his speech being pivotal in helping him realize his true mission of bringing techno-organic balance and coming back to life. Although this is NOT to say that Cheetor excuses the fact that Rhinox died because of Primal’s misuse of Plasma energy.
  • He sympathized with Noble in contrast to most of the other Maximals.
  • He earned Silverbolt's respect by proving he was a capable leader now and not just the same kid from back in the Beast Wars.
  • He defeated Thrust/Waspinator for good.
  • After Primal's sacrifice in the Great Transformation, Cheetor accepted the mantle of leadership passed down to him by Primal in a vision from the Oracle and reminded the Maximals that Primal would always live on in their sparks.


  • He and Optimus Primal are the only Transformers PGs from the Beast Wars era.


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TV Shows
Generation One: Optimus Prime | Rodimus Prime | Star Saber
Beast Wars/Beast Machines: Optimus Primal | Cheetor
Unicron Trilogy: Optimus Prime | Primus
Animated: Optimus Prime
Aligned Continuity: Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Smokescreen | Jack Darby

Original Films: William Lennox
Reboot Films: Bumblebee | Optimus Primal
Transformers One: Optimus Prime | Alpha Trion

Other Media
IDW Comics: Optimus Prime/Orion Pax
Bayverse Comics and Games: Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | William Lennox
Prime Wars Trilogy: Optimus Prime | Metroplex
