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Pure Good Wiki

Kazuki Kommon is the main protagonist of Ultraman Nexus. He is a member of the night raiders and the fifth Deunamist, following Nagi.

What Makes Him Pure Good[]


  • When he was a child, he was saved by an unknown man from drowning on a river. While being saved, the man encouraged him to “never give up”. Hav8ng been inspired by this, he made it his life goal to help others in need

In general[]

  • He was the first one who had trust in Neuxs and didn’t see him as space beast.
  • He was the first one against the Night Raiders tactic of erasing the public’s memories of any encounter of the Space beast

Ultraman Nexus[]

As Himself[]

  • upon realizing that Pedoleon was using hostages if they shot it, he tried to talk the other night raiders out of shooting it so that they wouldn’t get hurt
  • At the end of episode 2 and beginning of episode 3, he tried to stop Nagi from attacking nexus and convince her he was on their side.
  • When he and his crewmates were talking to their higher ups, he defended Nexus, bringing up how he and his crewmates would have died if it weren’t for him.
  • In episode 5, he stopped Nagi from shooting Jun Himeya
  • In episode 8, he saved a little girl named Rina and her puppy from getting eaten by Bugbuzon
  • Additionally, he was later willing to accept punishment for prioritizing saving her before stopping the monster
  • In episode 9, he saved Riku from getting hurt by falling glass window
  • In episode 10, he helped Nexus defeat Rafleya
  • In episode 12, he helped Dark Faux/Riko redeem herself and turn against Dark Mephisto
  • In episode 15, he helped save a little girl  (coincidentally name Riko as well) from inside Nosferu
  • Despite it saving Riko, Upon realizing that his  act of shooting  Nosferu with one of the Night Raiders laser beams to save her using hate and anger resulted in her also getting hospitalized, he instantly felt remorse for it, even going so far to temporarily quit the night raiders at the beginning of the next episode. Fortunately, by the end of that episode, he later rejoined after making up for it
  • In episode 16, he helped Nexus defeat Nosferu for good, ultimately managing to make up for nearly getting Riko killed
  • Additionally, he also managed to save Captain Wakura as well
  • In episode 18, he helped Nexus defeat Galberos
  • In episode 22, he helped Jun Himeya escape from the night raiders higher ups
  • In episode 23, he helped Nexus defeat Dark Mephisto
  • In episode 27, upon discovering that Ren Senjyu was the new Deunamist he reassured him  that he would keep it a secret
  • In episode 35, he helped his crewmates rescue Ren Senjyu from their higher ups, allowing him to eventually fight against the final 3 space beasts. Following this, he later he and his crewmates later helped him and Nexus defeat Mega flash and Galberos
  • In episode 37, he helped saved Nagi when she was stuck in Zagi’s darkness field.

As Nexus/Noa[]

  • In episode 37, he defeated Dark Zagi, the main antagonist of the series and the one responsible for all the space beast attacks and the one who created and was behind Dark Faux and Dark Mephisto and their actions. As a result, he ultimately prevented him from wiping out all of humanity.
  • Following Zagi’s defeat, he spent the following year afterward defending Earth from Zagi’s remaining Space Beasts.

Ultraman Nexus TV COMPLETE DVD-BOX: Second Coming - Dreams -[]

As Noa[]

  • Defeated Zagi’s final Dark Ultra Dark Lucifer



           Ultraman English Pure Goods

Ultraman (Original | Shin | Rissing) | Zoffy | Ultraman Ace | Mother of Ultra | Ultraman Leo | Astra | Ultraman Noa | Ultraman Mebius | Ultraman Zero | Ultraman Geed | Ultraman Trigger | Ultraman Blazar

Human Hosts/Forms
Shin Hayata| Seiji Hokuto| Yuko Minami | Gen Ohtori | Shin Asuka | Musashi Haruno | Kazuki Komon | Jun Himeya | Ren Senjyu | Mirai Hibino | Hikaru Raido | Daichi Oozora | Riku Asakura | Shinji Kaminaga | Kengo Manaka | Kanata Asumi | Ken Sato
