So, you have a different way of doing things, a different way of seeing things. That might make you weird, but it also makes you awesome, don't you see? [...] Because us weirdos have to stick together! And nobody should be punished for who they are!
~ Luz ralling the Conformatorium inmates with Eda's motto.
I think I just realized something... I don't know why it took me so long to figure that out... The only thing I ever really wanted... was to be understood!
~ Luz finally realizes her heart's deepest desire.
Do not underestimate me, Belos, for I am Good Witch Luz! Child of the Human Realm! Student of the Demon Realm! And Warrior of Peace! NOW EAT THIS, SUCKA!
~ Luz during her final battle with Belos.
Luz Noceda is the main protagonist of the 2020 Disney Channel animated series The Owl House.
She's an imaginative and optimistic Afro-Latina teenage girl who stumbles upon a portal that takes her to the Boiling Isles, an archipelago made from corpse of a Titan in another dimension. Eager to prove herself as witch, she began to study magic there, despite having no magical abilities of her own.
While she originally had moments of being mischievous, reckless, stubborn, vengeful and hot-headed, by the time of Season 3, she completely subverted such traits and became more mature and serious.
While she gained a bad habit of lying to her friends multiple times, she apologized to them each time and grew out of this.
She rarely holds any grudges towards her enemies and shows empathy towards plenty, managing to befriend some (like Lilith, Amity, Hunter and the Collector) in the end no matter how much trouble they've caused. The only major exception is Belos, and it's justified due to him being Pure Evil and completely irredeemable.
Overall, her constant compassion, empathy, and forgiveness help redeem and influence many inhabitants of the Boiling Isles, turning them into better, kinder, and happier people, while gradually undoing all the harm, corruption, and manipulative and deceitful influence Belos had on them for centuries.
When her father Manny developed a serious illness, she tried to stay by his side no matter what. After he died, she accepted his final gift, The Good Witch Azura book, and began gathering flowers and visiting his grave to honor him on the anniversary of his death, along with her mother.
Season 1[]
She helped Eda steal King's crown from the Conformatorium and freed all of its prisoners, who got captured just because of their weird antics.
She broke free from Adegast's illusions and helped Eda defeat him.
She pretended to be Willow's Abomination to get her a passing grade in Hexside, and while it caused Amity to lose her status as "top student", this was completely unintentional and was mostly due to the teacher's poor judgement, disregarding Willow's academic performance history compared to Amity's, and him being easily impressed.
She and King stopped Eda from rampaging in her Owl Beast form by giving her the elixir.
Despite Amity being rude and mean towards her (and endangering her life for the sake of her selfishness and superiority), Luz instead focuses on how much Amity was embarrassed rather than nearly getting her killed and stopped at nothing to try to befriend her. Then, she regretfully apologized for unintentionally embarrassing her at public, despite the fact that it was mainly Amity's own fault for her awful behavior for getting herself in trouble, and wouldn't listen to Luz's attempts to talk to her and reconcile. When Lilith put a power glyph on Amity, thus causing said humiliation, Luz blamed herself for challenging her to a witches duel in the first place. When her older siblings tried to post her diary at the Library, she was clearly against it and stopped them, before trying to explain herself after the twins left her to take some of the blame and bailed on her, and apologized to Amity for reading her diary and lent her a The Good Witch Azura book.
She made her own Moonlight Conjuring for Willow and Gus after learning Amity didn't invite them on hers, before stopping the Owl House from running away, which wasn't even her intention. She also apologized to Eda for disobeying her.
She and Amity worked together to turn Otabin back to normal.
While escaping from Lilith and the Coven Guards, she went to rescue Eda and King from being pursued by Roselle, Dottie and Boscha's gang.
She agreed to help Gus keep his title as the president of Human Appreciation Society by having herself shown up in front of Mattholomule to prove his point. Once she found out that he lied about the ban, she managed to forgive Gus for his dishonesty and teamed up together to save Mattholomule from the Detention Pit despite how much of a jerk he is.
She went to complete the Bat Queen's challenges in order to get Owlbert back from her, as well as apologizing to him for recklessly hurting him. Once she discovered the Bat Queen was a palisman, she genuinely sympathized over the loss of her owner, and managed to convince her to let Owlbert go if it weren't for him standing up for her.
She and King freed all the authors Piniet had trapped in his briefcase.
She helped Amity save Eda, Edric and Emira from the Slitherbeast.
She, Viney, Jerbo and Barcus stopped the magic-eating basilisk at Hexside, saving the lifes of many students and teachers, before she stood up to Principal Bump for following the Coven System, as they used mixed magic to defeat basilisk. This convinced Bump to allow students to study mixed magic.
She and Amity restored Willow's mind after Amity accidentally burned down her memories, and helped amend Amity's friendship with Willow.
She took Amity's place as Grom Queen out of sympathy. Later on, she and Amity stopped Grometheus the Fear Bringer together from trapping everyone into their worst fears.
She felt remorse over pushing Willow and Gus too hard in their Grudgby training, before allowing Boscha to use herself as a target just to protect Willow.
She nearly succeeded in stealing the Healing Hat to finally heal Eda's curse. When Eda sacrificed the last of her magic to save Luz from Lilith, she begged her to stop and felt genuine remorse for causing her to become powerless.
While she wanted revenge on Lilith for cursing and capturing Eda, she changed her attitude towards her after learning that it wasn't Lilith's true intention. As time went on, Luz began to see Lilith as family, showing she let go of her grudge.
She destroyed the Portal to the Human Realm to stop Emperor Belos from gaining access to it and saved Eda, King and Lilith from being unfairly petrified, the one spell that was irreversible, and thus would kill them for good.
Season 2[]
She went on several bounty missions, willingly putting herself in danger, to make sure the Owl House wouldn't fall into bankruptcy.
She and Eda faked the Selkidomus' murder to protect it and save King from the Golden Guard.
She willingly became a test subject for a weapon demonstration made by Amity's parents to get her friends reinstated at Hexside, which she succeeds in by getting Amity to stand up to her parents, in order to save her from being killed by the Abomaton 2.0.
She sympathized with King after he learned he is not the King of Demons as he believed, and promised him that they will find out who he is.
While she originally agreed to help Gwendolyn cure Eda's curse, she later helped Gwen realize that she was scammed by Master Wortlop, before she, Gwen and King gave elixir to Eda and Lilith, stopping them from fighting each other under the curse's effects.
While her rage outburst inadvertently got Amity fired from the Bonesborough Library, her anger was justified, given she has lost the only information about how to make a portal back to the Human Realm, not to mention Luz was very remorseful of it, and later successfully managed to give Amity her job back.
She saved all the palismen the Golden Guard/Hunter and Kikimora kidnapped to feed Emperor Belos. In fact, Luz was willing to cooperate with Hunter to stop Kikimora, before talking him out of bringing the palismen to Belos.
She tried to win the Gland Prix race so King could send a message to his father, before telling Eda that King is now legally her son.
Although she destroyed the tunnel of love Hooty made for her and Amity, this is because she didn't want Amity to see her as "cheesy" through such display, with her judgement being pretty understandable, given years of resentment and rejection she received from many people in Gravesfield. When it caused Amity to believe Luz wasn't interested in her, she immediately corrected their misunderstanding, before the two of them finally asked each other on a date, thereby stopping Hooty's hysterical rampage.
She tried to warn Eda, King and Amity about the Fool's Blood in the Knee's caves, and welcomed Amity warmly when they returned.
While she was angry at Vee for taking her place, she quickly got over it and sympathized with Vee after learning her origins. When Vee got captured by Jacob Hopkins, Luz finally told her mother the truth and had her save Vee.
She, with help from Amity, tried to reunite Kikimora with her family out of sympathy, due to her being in a situation that was similar to hers.
When she traveled back in time with Lilith, she protected Philip Wittebane from two demons who were harassing him (while in truth, they were trying to get back at him for indirectly killing their brother, though Luz didn't know this at the time), before trying to help him find the Collector in hopes of finding a way to create a new Portal. When she discovered Philip was actually evil, she apologized to Lilith for not listening to her suspicions.
When Belos would later on reveal his true identity as Philip Wittebane, and thus she helped him in his plans, she felt immense remorse and blamed herself for everything, despite it never being her fault, as she was tricked by him like many others were.
She tried to help Amity win the Bonesborough Brawl to help her reach an understanding with her father, before stopping a mutated Warden Wrath. Afterwards, she apologized to Amity for lying and nearly getting her in trouble with her father.
While being trapped in Emperor Belos' mindscape, she tried to convince Hunter that Belos was evil, and eventually succeeded after they were confronted by Inner Belos.
She and Hooty saved King from being sacrificed by the Titan Trappers to free the Collector.
She helped the Covens Against the Throne in their plan to stop the Draining Spell on the Day of Unity, saving everyone on the Boiling Isles from being painfully killed through having their magic drained. During the mission, she also had Gus swap her and Hunter places with illusions, and got herself captured on purpose to face Belos alone.
While she did brand Belos with a Coven sigil to have him experience the effects of the spell, she did this as the only option she had while facing the threat of being killed, as well as for the sake of trying to convince him to stop the Draining Spell, rather than to make him suffer (not knowing he couldn't do that and only the Collector had the power to do it).
When the Collector took over the Boiling Isles, she tried to stay behind and save everyone, while telling her friends to go through the collapsing portal, only for King to send her to Earth as well.
Season 3[]
Despite becoming depressed and broken after the Day of Unity to the point of developing severe self-loathing, she tried to hide her trauma and depression from her friends to not worry them, while also keeping Hunter's secret of being a Grimwalker. By the end of series, she managed to let go of her guilt and regained her past optimism.
Though she also initially planned to stay in the Human Realm permanently in order to make up for her mistakes, even if it meant severing her ties with her friends and loved ones she has in the Demon Realm just for the sake of everyone's safety, she later changed her mind after having a heart-to-heart with her mother.
When Hunter told her about having visions of Belos, she took it seriously and tried to stop Belos from finding the hidden Titan's Blood, only to turn out that Belos was possessing Hunter.
She tried to convince Boscha to rally New Hexside's students to fight the Collector, only for Amity to successfully do it later on her own.
She freed Eda and King from their worst nightmares.
Despite the Collector putting her, Eda and King in constant danger, she showed no anger towards him and simply told him his games can't last forever. When they learned of the Collector's backstory, they all took pity on him and taught him about kindness and forgiveness, thus redeeming him.
When the Collector attempted to redeem Belos by showing him "kindness and forgiveness", she sacrificed herself to protect him from Belos' blast. Even in her dying moments, Luz told the Collector he did nothing wrong and that things are just more complicated with Belos.
Her death ultimately led to the Collector finally realizing the error of his ways and apologized for his actions, before he went back to the Archives to save everyone from falling to their deaths, in order to make up for it.
She made sure the Titan had a message for King when he resurrected her, and she passed it on to King, giving him closure with his father.
She successfully ripped Belos from the Titan's heart, saving the Boiling Isles from being consumed by his sludge.
While she refused to help Belos, who was completely defenseless by then, and allowed Eda, King and Raine to kill him later on, this is because she knew that Belos would continue to pose a threat to everything and everyone if he was left alive and realized that he's ultimately beyond redemption.
Even when feigning redemption, Belos wasn't actually apologizing, but was saying he was cursed all this time. Not to mention he quickly dropped the act once he started melting, and immediately demanded her to save him solely on the basis of the two being humans, and how letting him die would make her "just as bad, conniving, evil, and unforgivable" as witches, only to fall on deaf ears.
She spent a lot of time over the next four years of her life helping rebuild the Boiling Isles following Belos and the Collector's reigns, including on her birthdays.
She was originally listed as Near Pure Good after Season 1, but got approved as Pure Good after the series' finale, as she subverted all of her initial corrupting qualities.
She and King Clawthorne are currently the only surrogate PG siblings on this wiki.