Pure Good Wiki


Pure Good Wiki
Pure Good Wiki

Mascula is a major character in the defunct mobile game, Dragalia Lost.

He is voiced by Cole Howard in English and Yuto Suzuki in Japanese.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

  • He is a pacifist who makes his disdain for violence known.
  • Although his introduction has him stealing weapons from both the Halidom and the Dyrenell Empire, this was done to prevent any fighting rather than any malicious intent.
  • He is quick to become friends with Luca.
  • When Laxi malfunctions due to a damaged core that puts her at risk of permanent shut down, Mascula sacrifices himself by putting his core inside of her, unaware that doing so would result in the two of them sharing the same body.
  • He does his best to quell Laxi's lethal methods.
  • He, along with Laxi, provide the android army they command to the Halidom.
  • He and Laxi frequently stop Ayaha and Otoha from killing innocent people.
  • When the android army develop free will and sacrifice themselves to get the Halidom party past a barrier, Mascula expresses guilt and heartbreak over their sacrifice alongside Laxi, granting the two of them access to Eden Mode due to being in sync.
  • He and Laxi save Finni from self-destructing. In doing so, they redeem her and Eirene.
  • After Chelle repairs his old body, Mascula controls his body remotely to save the party and Faerie Kingdom from a monster attack.
  • He kills a faerie in order to save Euden, shedding a tear of remorse over having to do so while understanding he will have to kill in order to protect his friends.
  • Upon learning how Ayaha and Otoha became part of Agito, Mascula can't help but sympathize with them.
  • He and Laxi help Ayaha save Otoha from Lilith.
  • They help out against Xenos by fighting off copies of their friends that the Progenitor summons.


           DragaliaLogo Pure Goods

Main Series
Zethia | Zena | Mascula | Ilia

See Also
Nintendo Pure Goods
