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Pure Good Wiki

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Mothra, Queen of the Monsters.
~ Dr. Ilene Chen describing Mothra.

Mothra, also known as Mosura, and dubbed as Titanus Mosura, is one of the main protagonists of the MonsterVerse franchise. She is a lepidopteran-like Titan who is capable of defending the natural world and was revered as a goddess by ancient human civilizations. She serves as Godzilla's partner and ally.

What makes her Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • She has protected humanity for centuries from threats, including King Ghidorah.
  • Unlike other heroic monsters, she hasn't endangered any populated cities, although the only time she fought in one was after it was evacuated, meaning she never put hundreds of lives at risk.
    • Whilst she did technically endanger Madison Russell whilst fighting Rodan, it wasn't intentional or even her fault as Rodan had slammed onto the ground, which happened to be where Madison was.
  • Despite being a Titan, she has a clear moral agency and characterization.
  • Despite the MonsterVerse franchise's high admirable standards, Mothra stands out as one of the most admirable for her role in defeating both King Ghidorah and the Skar King.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters[]

  • While she did attack several people when she first hatched, it was purely in self-defense as she was provoked by them.
    • Not to mention that she hasn't killed anyone, which is evident by the fact she threw one of the workers in a web, showcasing that while she will defend herself, she will not kill any human being.
  • After Emma Russell used the ORCA, she calmed down and became gentle, allowing Madison to touch her face.
  • She was one of the few Titans to resist Ghidorah's call as most began to do his bidding and began reeking havoc.
  • According to the novelization, she sped up her metamorphosis after sensing Ghidorah so she could stop him.
  • She emitted white bioluminescence, which cleared some of the storm clouds caused by Ghidorah and possibly prevented multiple casualties.
    • It was also later revealed that Mothra was using sonar to communicate with Godzilla.
  • She led Monarch to Godzilla, using her god-rays as a beacon.
  • After arriving in Boston, she stunned Ghidorah by shooting silk at him, allowing Godzilla to slam him into a building.
  • She fought against Rodan after he came to help Ghidorah, almost getting killed by the winged Titan in the process.
  • She defeated Rodan by stabbing him with her stinger.
    • However, this wasn't a lethal moment as Rodan was trying to kill her and he was later seen to have survived the attack, showing that Mothra had no intentions on killing him.
  • After Godzilla was brutally beaten by Ghidorah, she stood up to protect him, even covering him with her wings.
  • She ended up sacrificing herself to protect Godzilla, allowing herself to be disintegrated by Ghidorah's gravity beams.
  • Thanks to her sacrifice, her essence allowed Godzilla to achieve his thermonuclear form and defeat Ghidorah, preventing him from destroying the world.
  • In tie-in comics, it was shown that her essence made Godzilla less lethal and willing to kill.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire[]

  • After being resurrected thanks to Jia, she immediately went to find Godzilla so he could help defeat the Skar King.
  • Upon arriving in Egypt, she stopped Godzilla from killing Kong due to a misunderstanding by knocking him off his feet.
  • She communicated with Godzilla, convincing him to join the fight against the Skar King and his forces, something which Kong tried and failed to do.
  • She helped Godzilla and Kong fight the Skar King and his army, even saving Godzilla from getting frozen by Shimo.
  • She prevented Monarch's ship from falling out of control, saving their lives in the process.
  • After the Skar King's death, she sealed off several entrances of the Hollow Earth with her silk, possibly to prevent other dangerous threats from escaping to the outside world.


  • So far, she is the only MonsterVerse Pure Good to be a Titan.
  • Mothra was once rejected until it was argued she was more admirable than Kong due to stopping an omnicide and also became even more admirable in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire due to saving Kong's life and helping stop the Skar King.

External links[]


            GodzillaImage Pure Goods

Sho Kuroki | Koji Shinjo | Taizo Tachibana | Joseph Brody | Ford Brody | Ishiro Serizawa | Kenji Noda

Mothra | Godzilla Junior | Mothra Leo | Mothra
