George also known as Papa G (or Ol' Man Many Men) is a main character in Kid Cosmic. He is the distant grandfather of Kid who he raised when he was young when his parents died.
He is voiced by Keith Ferguson.
What Makes Him Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- On top of being a considerate father figure to Kid after his parents' death, he's implied to have been a very loving husband and father to his original family, even though they were only mentioned and never seen. This is shown as he still as keepsakes of his wife and sons (some on his hat such as a feather and a tin star) all these years later.
- He believes evil's just a cry from a heart that's hurting, and tries to see the good in just about anyone, even various villains and alien invaders.
- Despite joining Kid's team of heroes, and using the yellow stone to create clones, he's a pacifist who tries not to resort to violence if there's an alternative way to handle a problem, often encouraging Kid and Rosa to do the same, and often calms the young ones down with his "Think it out, breathe it out". Plus, he's a very nice guy in general, not just to his great-something-grandson, but also to most people in general, to the point where he was labelled the heart of the team, and he more than deserves that label.
- While he does have a tendency of putting his clones in danger and not always showing much concern over them being in peril, he still cares about the clones quite a lot, treating them like individual beings and not just expendable extensions of himself.
- While he begins the series as not being a very skilled hero, he becomes a lot more adept as the show progresses.
Season 1[]
- Even before Kid found the cosmic rings and learned about how to used them, Papa G supported Kid's desires to become a hero and protector.
- When's Kid informs Papa G about the cosmic stones and their powers, him turning them into rings, and how Rosa stole one of the rings and became giant, Papa G encourages Kid and Jo not to instantly view Chuck as evil, and brews up some sun tea, as a way to get to know him.
- Upon getting hold of the yellow ring, his first action is to create numerous clones of himself to stop a giant Rosa from stomping on Chuck, despite the latter's betrayal, and G himself dragged Chuck out of harm's way. But he still had his clones take Chuck away and untie Jo and Kid (whom Chuck had tied up).
- He was willing to give Chuck a chance to redeem himself, despite Jo and Kid disliking Chuck.
- He prevented Rosa from harming a hostile alien invader (as it was already at a disadvantage) and tells it to go home and think about its actions, only for Rosa to gather all the aliens in a water tower and launch them far into space, killing them all. Papa G's shown with a hesitant and remorseful look during this.
- Unlike Kid, Papa G doesn't show envy or annoyance over the other heroes (especially Rosa) winning more hero medals than him, even giving Kid some words of encouragement. And when he finally does win a hero medal for burying a dead giant monster with his clones, he gives tributes to all of his clones for their roles, and gives all of them medals as well.
- He even has his clones stage an invader attack so Kid (the only team member without a medal) could finally get a chance be the hero and win a medal, not wanting the rings to be another source of pain for Kid (especially after his parents' deaths). He clearly felt bad for deceiving Kid, and even apologized after Kid learns the truth.
- When a Devil Dog attacks Mo's Oasis Café, Papa G tries to calm everyone down by claiming the Devil Dog was a wild animal. Then when more Devil Dogs arrive near the café and the power goes out, Papa G creates some clones to fix the power and barricade the doors and windows so the Devil Dogs couldn't easily get in.
- He and his clones also play a major role in deactivating a massive hoard of Devil Dogs and saving the café.
- Alongside the other ring holders, Papa G was being closely monitored and forced to remain within his area, however Kid was missing. And when Papa G was interrogated by the Biker the Black over where Kid could be, he firmly stands his ground, despite not knowing where Kid or his team was, and refuses to fall in line with the Biker, or let him into his house or investigate.
- He alongside Jo, Rosa and Tuna Sandwich witnesses Kid putting himself in harm's way when he learns about the aliens not being malevolent, and drives his car to the battle area, wanting to protect Kid from harm.
- Then when he's informed the truth about the aliens' not-so-evil nature and intentions, and after a speech from Tuna Sandwich, he goes back to the battle area so he, Kid and the team can inform the Enforcement Force and the Biker in Black the truth about the aliens and they'd stop fighting, too bad the Biker didn't care.
- He and the team rescues the five aliens, after the government imprisons them for no valid reason, and return the Cosmic Stones to them (with G in particular giving Gortho the Gargarian the yellow stone)
- He plays a significant role in Kid’s growth throughout the season, which is shown near the end of the season, as Kid would become willing to lend a hand to those in need, convince the depowered Earth Force Enforcement Force to hang out with them, and even try to get the Biker and Black to reform.
Season 2[]
- He discourages Rosa from smashing the supervillain holding Kid hostage, as G wanted to open up a line of communication first, and see just what the hostage taker wanted. Then he learns the villain wanted the cosmic stones, G and the other heroes take away some Fantos' stones.
- He plays a role in reassembling Kid when the latter's goo form nearly goes into a hole, and Flo and Jo manage to scoop up all the pieces.
- When Erodious the Planet Killer arrives at Madame Fiosa's party and endangers all of the guests, Papa G and his clones play a pivotal role in assuring the guests' safety by taking traffic control and having everyone evacuate the spaceship.
- He accompanies Kid, Rosa, her parents, Tuna Sandwich, Carla and Hamburg to attempt to bring back Jo from pointlessly trying to prove her worth in Fight Hole for her mother's sake, he was unsuccessful, but still.
- He accompanies Flo at a table and sympathizes with her complaints about how Jo was gaining a rebellious side, and losing compassion for her and others. G assures Flo that even if her daughter was acting up, Jo would come back to her, and figure it out in time.
- While Flo's the one who decides to aid the refugees from the most recent planet Erodious destroyed, by preparing to feed and resettle them, Papa G willingly agrees to help without question. And when the refugees are all revealed to be tiny, Papa G suggests housing the mini race somewhere they wouldn't be crushed.
- And when an invisible Fantos tries to steal the cosmic rings and endangers the mini-civilization, Papa G and the most of the other heroes would move the mini-civilization to a different room, away from the fight
- He consoles Kid with his depression over Jo's betrayal for replacing the hero team with simply her and Krosh. He understood that he was going through the stages of grief (shock/denial, pain/guilt, anger/bargaining, depression/loneliness), and allows Kid to let all his feelings out before Kid eventually accepts the reality of what's happened, makes up with the others, cleans up his mess and damage and apologizes.
- He and his clones play a role in fighting for the galaxy against Erodius, as they'd dig through the its surface as an attempt to slowly take it apart and weaken it.
- Then when he and the other heroes are teleported back to Earth (or rather a fantasy version of Earth), Papa G and the others would use growth and goo stones to turn giant and into goo so they could drill into Erodius' core and destroy it from the inside, saving Earth and the entire galaxy. While it's true that this is in a fantasy world, Papa G didn't know that. He thought he was actually saving the day at the time, so this action still stands.
Season 3[]
- While in the fantasy world, he supports Kid's dreams, accompanies the Global Heroes, and joins the PPG (Planet Protection Group) to fight evil and protect the people from being harmed by the stones' power.
- He freaks out when a lot of his allies are getting harmed from seemingly futile attempts at stopping a giant villain, but when it's revealed to have all been part of a plan Kid had to take him the villain down.
- He quickly finds out that the team was actually in a fantasy world, and while he does initially try to prevent Kid from finding out the truth, it's primarily because all of the events coming to life were based on Kid's comics, and he was anticipating that Kid could be reunited with his late parents, as he wanted nothing more than for Kid to be happy.
- He faced a struggle within his mind over whether to hold off from informing Kid the truth, but eventually settles on telling him the truth about the fake world, especially when Kid meets up with fake versions of his parents who essentially abandoned him until Kid proved himself worthy, to which Papa G rightfully chews the fake parents out for, claiming Kid's real parents never would have done something that cruel. That was the point where G officially reveals the truth, allowing Kid to accept reality and preventing him from having his heart broken another time.
- He understands how important Flo's keepsakes are to her as they're basically memories, and would even explain the stories behind some of his own keepsakes, particularly with his silver crystal being a reminder of how no matter how dark things got, he, Flo and the others have to find that little spark that'll show them the way. This is especially the case with Erodius still being a major threat.
- He breaks up a fight between Kid and Jo over how to stop Fantos and Erodius, telling them the group will have to work together to save Earth.
- He tries to save Kid from getting sucked into a goo vortex, and shows immense sadness when Kid seemingly dies going into the vortex and a look of relief when he turns out to have not only survived but regained the 13 cosmic stones.
- Upon learning Erodius was a planet with a lost soul, which used to heal beings from all over, only to eventually get destroyed and spent years trying to find it's missing piece to bring itself peace (even if it meant destroying other planets) Papa G, near-instantly realizes he in fact had the planet's missing piece (without even knowing it), and that his stone was main reason for his long, healthy life. He then decides to give up his stone and return it to Erodius so it can finally be at peace, despite being well aware that the stone was the only thing keeping him young and healthy, and he didn't know whether discarding the stone would kill him. He was essentially willing to die just to save Earth, and the universe from Erodius, and informed Kid he had his whole life ahead of him, and that he himself has had more than enough time. While he's revealed to have survived, he became senile and wheelchair-bound, and would likely die in a few weeks.
- He joins the other heroes in honoring the fallen race of his retrospective stone who were victims of Erodius' destruction, with G in particular paying tribute to Gortho the Gargarian and his kind.
External Links[]
- Papa G on the Heroes Wiki
- Papa G on the Kid Cosmic Wiki