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Pure Good Wiki
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NOTE: This page is only about the version of Jesus from the comics and Telltale game. See here here for his TV counterpart.

Understood. I think that's enough fighting. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paul Monroe...but my friends have taken to calling me Jesus.
~ Jesus' introduction to Rick Grimes and his group.
Second chances are in short supply these days. That's what this place can be, if you let it. Trust me, though, life within walls is a hell of a lot different than life on the road. Don't take shortcuts like Joan. You gotta do the right thing. Always. Good days, and especially bad.
~ Jesus' words of wisdom to Javi Garcia, in the Telltale video game.

Paul "Jesus" Monroe is a major character in The Walking Dead graphic novel series, as well as the 2015 video game The Walking Dead: A New Frontier by Telltale Games, which is set in the same continuity.

He's a member of the Hilltop Colony who introduced Rick Grimes' group to the community after coming across them in the wilderness. While Rick and others initially didn't trust him, he proved himself to be a skilled fighter and capable leader. After the conflict with the Saviors, Jesus helps Javier Garcia and his allies fight the corrupt New Frontier in Richmond.

In the Telltale game, he was voiced by Brandon Keener.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • He has no corrupting flaws and actively makes an effort to avoid killing unless absolutely necessary. This, combined with him saving hundreds of lives and being a strong, influential leader, makes him one of the most morally-righteous characters in the series.


  • Following the apocalypse, he made it his life's mission to protect innocent people and be a beacon of hope in trying times (which is where he would develop his nickname "Jesus" from).
  • He ventured out from Hilltop and made contact with Rick Grimes and his group, introducing them to the Hilltop community.
  • He joined forces with Rick's group in battling the Saviors, offering tactical support and fighting skills.
  • He played a crucial role in gathering information on Negan and the Saviors.
  • He traveled with Rick to the Kingdom and helped convince Ezekiel to join the fight against Negan.
  • With Rick's help, he trained people from Hilltop for the upcoming war against The Whisperers. He also helped defend Alexandria.
  • After Aaron is injured and recovering, Jesus visits him in his bedroom, showing concern for his well-being and discussing their roles in the upcoming conflict. Despite Alex teasing them about their relationship, Jesus remains focused on the impending battle.
  • When the Whisperers launched an attack using a horde of walkers, he helped everyone redirect the horde away from the communities.
  • During the Whisperer War, he joins Michonne and others on the front lines, showcasing his leadership while supporting the militia and defending against Whisperer attacks.
  • While traveling with Aaron towards Hilltop he encountered Beta, second-in-command of the Whisperers, and attempted to stop him, nearly dying in the process.


  • He and his group tried to negotiate and form an alliance with the New Frontier, seeking mutual cooperation and attempting to ally with them.
  • After becoming suspicious of the New Frontier's true intentions, he didn't hesitate to uncover the source of his suspicion and expose them for their corruption and crimes against other settlements.
  • He served as a moral compass for Javi and discouraged him from going down a dark and violent path.
  • He saved multiple people's lives when they were trapped in the abandoned subway tunnel, including saving Javi's nephew Gabe.
  • After learning that the New Frontier had been pillaging nearby communities for resources, he leaves Javi and his group temporarily to bring in support from the Kingdom.
  • Toward the end of the game, he and his back-up arrive and aid Javi, Kate, and others clear out walkers after Richmond was overrun.
  • In his final conversation with Javi, he gives him some advice on how to be a good leader and states that he and his men plan on returning all of the Frontier's stolen goods to their rightful communities.


  • Both he and his TV counterpart are approved Pure Good.
  • The franchise's creator, Robert Kirkman, has stated before in an interview that Jesus is one of his favorite characters he's ever written.
  • He's one of the few LGBTQ characters in the franchise, being canonically gay.
    • Kirkman also stated that's an aspect about Jesus that he really likes: the fact that Jesus' sexuality is very trival and doesn't define who he is as a person.
  • His TV counterpart has some noticeable changes.
    • In the TV series, his last name is "Rovia", not "Monroe", and he dies at the beginning of the Whisperer War, whereas his comic counterpart lives until the very end of the story.
  • In A New Frontier, there's two opportunities to get Jesus killed (if Javi makes the wrong decisions). However, these deaths are not canon and result in a game over.

External Links[]


            The Walking Dead Logo Heroes

Dale Horvath | Hershel Greene | Beth Greene | Paul Rovia

Paul Monroe
