Penny is one of the tritagonists of Kindergarten 2.
She is the daughter of the school's principal who, after a horrific accident involving her getting attacked by one of her mother's mutated monsters, is turned into an android that is forced to abide by the adults' control, killing/punishing any student who dares try to break the rules. It is in the game's final mission "Creature Feature" where she manages to free herself free of her mother's control so that she can help the protagonists save the school.
What Makes Her Pure Good?[]
- Before she was brought back to life as an android, she was very friendly and willing to forgive anyone, even if they were rude or unfriendly towards her, until her mother caused her to become suicidal by turning her into a weapon for her plans, but she still retained her old personality traits regardless of her suffering.
- After attempting to kill herself, she decides to rebel against her mother and help the Protagonist, Lily and Billy defeat her mother and save the kids she imprisoned, scanning her eye on the elevator to the secret lab, playing a vital role in her mothers defeat and risking her life in order to do so.
- After she is killed by her mother, she asks the Protagonist to use her eye laser in order to save Lily from a monster, successfully saving Lily's life and thanking the Protagonist for giving her death meaning.
- While she can kill other characters remorselessly, she is never in control of herself when it happens, being controlled by other characters and it is made clear that she despises being turned into a weapon for her mother and the other teachers to use.
- It's also made clear that she does not remember performing certain acts, saying that she blacks out whenever it comes to stealing something, implying that she is not even aware that she has killed people.
External Links[]
- Penny on the Heroes Wiki
- Penny on the Kindergarten Wiki