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Pure Good Wiki

Timmy: Hi, Hubie! Tell us a story.
Petra: Yes, a love story.
Beany: Oh, that's "mushy" stuff.
Petra: Oh, Beany!
~ Petra, Beany, and Timmy

Petra, Beany, and Timmy are the supporting characters in Don Bluth's The Pebble and the Penguin. They are supportive friends of Hubie, as they support Hubie's dreams and help him and Marina get together for the Full Moon Mating Ceremony.

In the film, Petra was voiced by Alissa King, Beany was voiced by Michael Nunes, and Timmy was voiced by Kendall Cunningham.

What's Makes them Pure Good?[]

  • They are kind and loyal friends to Hubie, and they always support him.
  • They tried to get Hubie and Marina together for the Full Moon Mating Ceremony.
  • When Marina expresses her loneliness and worries for Hubie, they sympathize with Marina and missed Hubie.
  • They flew to Drake's tower after they saw Drake kidnap Marina and help Hubie to rescue her.
  • They revived Hubie from his unconscious after he was knocked out by Drake when Marina was unable to help Hubie recover.
  • They motivated Hubie to defeat Drake and knock his block off in a fight.
  • They try to save Hubie and Marina from falling by clinging onto them with their feet, although they fail due their combined weights.
  • They got Rocko to fly by grabbing onto his legs and give him the time he needs to gain windspeed
  • They saved Hubie, Marina, and Rocko from Drake's collapsing tower and got everyone to safety
    • It is noted that Hubie, Marina, and Rocko would very likely not have escaped from the collapsing tower nor would Rocko achieve flight if it weren't for them
  • While Petra and Timmy have no corrupting factors, Beany is the only one who is shown to be a little negative because he considered love to be "mushy" stuff until he learned the true meaning of love as he sees that Hubie has been missing for days and Marina grows increasingly lonely and worried of him, subverting all of his corrupting factors.
  • Despite having higher resources, the Bird Kids manage to stand out as they played a key role in helping Hubie, Marina, and Rocko escape Drake's collapsing tower. They are also said to be the "true heroes", because if it wasn't for them, Rocko would never learn how to fly and rescued Hubie and Marina, and Hubie, Marina, and Rocko would've been crushed dead inside the tower.


External links[]


           A-Film Production Pure Goods

Animated Features
Princess Irene | Simba | Hubie | Petra, Beany, and Timmy | Balto | Kiara | Kovu | Iron Giant | Piglet | Tarzan | Cinderella

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Disney Pure Goods | Rankin/Bass Pure Goods | Universal Studios Pure Goods | Warner Bros. Pure Goods

           MGM Logo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Frodo Baggins | Gandalf | Samwise Gamgee | Aragorn | Éowyn | Gwaihir | Mrs. Brisby | Justin | Nicodemus | Tenderheart Bear | Hubie | Petra, Beany, and Timmy

Live-Action Features
Dorothy Gale | Colonel Dax | Simon | Gandalf | Bard the Bowman

See Also
Middle-earth Pure Goods | New Line Cinema Pure Goods | Ralph Bakshi Pure Goods | Warner Bros. Pure Goods | WingNut Films Pure Goods

           WBLogo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Gandalf | Aragorn | Éowyn | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Mrs. Brisby | Justin | Nicodemus | Hubie | Petra, Beany, and Timmy | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Batgirl | Kayley | Garrett | Hogarth Hughes | Iron Giant | D.J. Drake | Victor Van Dort | Emily Merrimack | Monty Uno | Mumble | Lex Luthor | Robin Hood | Starfire | Emmet Brickowski | Athena | Pops Maellard | Robin | Batgirl | Lloyd Garmadon | Master Wu | Courage |

Live-Action Features
Dorothy Gale | Atreyu | Gizmo | Nancy Thompson | John Keating | Luke Eveshim | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Paul Edgecomb | John Coffey | Lily Potter | D.J. Drake | James Gordon | Roy Eberhardt | Ofelia | Superman (2006) | Soichiro Yagami | Solomon Vandy | Paul Conroy | Gandalf | Frodo Baggins | Jack | Superman (DCEU) | Jor-El | Ed Warren | Lorraine Warren | Judy Warren | Bard the Bowman | Ford Brody | Ishiro Serizawa | Newt Scamander | Mason Weaver | Sister Irene | Mera |

Animated Television
DC TV shows
Batgirl | Red Star | Batman | Red Hood | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Beast Boy | Hawkgirl | Starfire | Miss Martian | Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) | Amanda Waller | Lois Lane | Superboy | Superman | Batgirl | Aqualad | The Flash | Hawkman | Aquaman | Superman | Princess Fione
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn
Courage | Samurai Jack | Bubbles | Monty Uno | Juniper Lee | Ilana | Pops Maellard | Connie Maheswaren | Greg | Blisstina

Tv Show Television
Barry Allen | Harrison Wells | Kara Danvers | Khione | Mon-El | M'yrnn J'onzz | Superman
Clark Kent | The Flash | Jack Kline

Blossom | Brunette | Bubbles | Miles "Tails" Prower | Daffy Duck | Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup

Video Games
The Flash | Supergirl | Lex Luthor

Apprentice Terra

Also See
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Batman Pure Goods | Cartoon Network Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Lego Pure Goods | Looney Tunes Pure Goods | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pure Goods | Middle-earth Pure Goods | MonsterVerse Pure Goods | New Line Cinema Pure Goods | Ninjago Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | The Conjuring Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | WingNut Films Pure Goods
