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Princess Fione is a major protagonist in the anime Suicide Squad: Isekai. She is the princess of the Kingdom at war with the Empire.

She is voiced by Reina Ueda in Japanese and by Luci Christian in English.

What Makes Her Pure Good?[]

  • She made an effort to recruit people into the army in an effort to end the years long war her kingdom had suffered in hopes of people gaining happiness.
  • When a friend of her is killed, she is wracked with guilt over it.
  • When she hears about how the Suicide Squad beat enemy soldiers on their own, she saves them from execution by convincing the kingdom to have them aid in reclaiming lost land.
  • She becomes happy when the squad manage to free the beastmen from Ratcatcher's control in a way that results in little to no casualties.
  • When the squad is sentenced to execution despite their efforts, Fione is able to save all except Nanaue from that fate.
  • She attempts to convince her mother to spare Nanaue from execution. In doing so, she discovers her mother to actually be the Undead King in disguise.
  • Although she mercilessly beats up a noble, not only is this made clear as being a heating-up period for her, but said noble was plotting to sacrifice her to the Undead King, thus the beat down can be seen as self-defense.
  • She leads her army against the Undead King, uniting the kingdom together.
  • Working with Harley, she ends the Undead King's chaos, bringing the peace she had long sought for her kingdom.
  • While she looks up to Harley Quinn, it is clear that her admiration is toward Harley's sense of freedom rather than any of Harley's corrupting traits.

External Links[]


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The Dark Knight Trilogy
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Crisis on Two Earths
Lex Luthor
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DC League of Super-Pets

TV Shows
DC Animated Universe
Barry Allen | Clark Kent | Harrison Wells | James Olsen | Kara Danvers | Khione | Mon-El | M'yrnn J'onzz | Nate Heywood | Stargirl | Superman
Young Justice
Superboy | Superman
Teen Titans (2003)
Red Star
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Red Hood
Beware the Batman
DC Super Hero Girls
Wonder Woman
Harley Quinn (TV Series)
My Adventures with Superman
Suicide Squad: Isekai
Princess Fione

Video Games
Lex Luthor | Flash | Supergirl

Apprentice Terra

See Also
Arrowverse Pure Goods | Batman Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | DC Super Hero Girls Pure Goods | Warner Bros. Pure Goods

           WBLogo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Gandalf | Aragorn | Éowyn | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Mrs. Brisby | Justin | Nicodemus | Hubie | Petra, Beany, and Timmy | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Batgirl | Kayley | Garrett | Hogarth Hughes | Iron Giant | D.J. Drake | Victor Van Dort | Emily Merrimack | Monty Uno | Mumble | Lex Luthor | Robin Hood | Starfire | Emmet Brickowski | Athena | Pops Maellard | Robin | Batgirl | Lloyd Garmadon | Master Wu | Courage |

Live-Action Features
Dorothy Gale | Atreyu | Gizmo | Nancy Thompson | John Keating | Luke Eveshim | Michael Jordan | Lola Bunny | Paul Edgecomb | John Coffey | Lily Potter | D.J. Drake | James Gordon | Roy Eberhardt | Ofelia | Superman (2006) | Soichiro Yagami | Solomon Vandy | Paul Conroy | Gandalf | Frodo Baggins | Jack | Superman (DCEU) | Jor-El | Ed Warren | Lorraine Warren | Judy Warren | Bard the Bowman | Ford Brody | Ishiro Serizawa | Newt Scamander | Mason Weaver | Sister Irene | Mera |

Animated Television
DC TV shows
Batgirl | Red Star | Batman | Red Hood | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Beast Boy | Hawkgirl | Starfire | Miss Martian | Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) | Amanda Waller | Lois Lane | Superboy | Superman | Batgirl | Aqualad | The Flash | Hawkman | Aquaman | Superman | Princess Fione
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn
Courage | Samurai Jack | Bubbles | Monty Uno | Juniper Lee | Ilana | Pops Maellard | Connie Maheswaren | Greg | Blisstina

Tv Show Television
Barry Allen | Harrison Wells | Kara Danvers | Khione | Mon-El | M'yrnn J'onzz | Superman
Clark Kent | The Flash | Jack Kline

Blossom | Brunette | Bubbles | Miles "Tails" Prower | Daffy Duck | Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup

Video Games
The Flash | Supergirl | Lex Luthor

Apprentice Terra

Also See
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Batman Pure Goods | Cartoon Network Pure Goods | DC Extended Universe Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Lego Pure Goods | Looney Tunes Pure Goods | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pure Goods | Middle-earth Pure Goods | MonsterVerse Pure Goods | New Line Cinema Pure Goods | Ninjago Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | The Conjuring Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | WingNut Films Pure Goods
