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Pure Good Wiki

Princess Odette is the main protagonist in the 2003 direct-to-video animated film Barbie of Swan Lake. She is the daughter of the Baker and a sister of Marie. She is also a wife of Prince Daniel and Queen Mother's daughter-in-law.

She is played by Barbie Roberts and voiced by Kelly Sheridan.

What Makes Her Pure Good?[]

  • To lived in the bakery with her family, she able to dancing under her dreams as her father encouraged her in order to how making her want to be smart dancer.
  • She is kind-hearted, selfless, hardworking, and brave throughout the movie.
  • She following the unicorn Lila into the Enchanted Forest, even though is the fact that she sees Lila to be tied by an branch. Upon sought the crystal, she also meet the Fairy Queen, who is the ruler of the forest and a cousin of Rothbart.
  • After ironically to encounters Rothbart and his daughter Odile and turning into a swan by them, she keep to protect the crystal as making it to be empowered. The Fairy Queen forcing her cousins to leaves, she turning back to her human form and arriving the library with Lila, which they greeted the troll name Erasmus.
  • She stand up to Rothbart in order to defending Prince Daniel, who forced by Rothbart in to killed her.
  • Received the book to reading it but how to break the evil magic of Rothbart, she enjoy a party with Daniel, the Fairy Queen, and all the elves. She also shared a ballet danced with the Fairy Queen. However, Erasmus was kidnapped by Rothbart and the Fairy Queen would stop him is failed, she thought of idea to saved him with the help of her friends.
  • Despite trying to stop Daniel for be in love with Odile, she falling into asleep and saved by the Fairy Queen and her friends. She later vanquished Rothbart and save the forest with Daniel.
  • At the forest party, she dancing with Daniel as they are becomes couple with happy endings. Soon, Rothbart becomes a cuckoo clock as his punishment for committing coup which his daughter becomes a maid to forcing cleaning at the library.


  • She is one of the two Pure Goods from Barbie of Swan Lake, along with The Fairy Queen.

External links[]


           Barbie Logo Pure Goods

Barbie Roberts | Ken Carson

Animated Movies
Princess Odette | Fairy Queen | Princess Anneliese | Queen Erika | Elina | Princess Annika | Princess Rosella | Princess Luciana | Mariposa | Corinne D'Artagnan | Blair Willows | Princess Catania | Princess Alexa | Princess Courtney

TV Shows

           UniversalLogo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Frosty the Snowman | Santa Claus | Mrs. Claus | Amalthea | Fievel Mousekewitz | Littlefoot | Sophie | The BFG | Rex | Balto | Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Barbie Roberts | Ken Carson | Princess Odette | Fairy Queen | Princess Anneliese | Queen Erika | Elina | Princess Annika | Gromit | Roddy St. James | Princess Rosella | Princess Luciana | Mariposa | Despereaux Tilling | 9 | Corinne D'Artagnan | Roxanne Ritchi | Minion | Blair Willows | Ted Wiggins | Norman Babcock | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Princess Catania | Hiccup Haddock | Toothless | Valka | Eggs | Winnie Portley-Rind | Princess Alexa | Private | Princess Courtney | Oogway | Tigress | Po | Shifu | Li Shan | Ratchet | Clank | Kubo | Johnny | Moxy | Queen Poppy | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Nari | Perrito | Ethical Bug | Mario | Luigi | Princess Peach | Ruby Gillman | Roz | Longneck

Live-Action Features
Atticus Finch | Wade Parent | Laurie Strode | E.T. | Jen | Kira | Ellie Sattler | Itzhak Stern | Gareth Peirce | Christy Fimple | Paul Edgecomb | John Coffey | Cindy Low Who | God | William Lennox | Lee Brackett | Bruce Banner | Snow White | Charlie Roan | Laurie Strode | Flip Zimmerman | Will Schofield | OJ Haywood | Eric | Abby Schmidt

Animated Television
Optimus Prime | Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn | Ty Rux | Shiro | Hunk | Allura | Kanjigar the Courageous | AAARRRGGHH!!! | She-Ra | Bow | Mara | Hudson Harper | Darius Bowman | Sammy Gutierrez | Kipo Oak

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Yukon Cornelius | Frosty the Snowman | Karen | Santa Claus | Mrs. Claus | Sir 1023 | Jack Frost

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Bruce Banner

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Barbie Pure Goods | DreamWorks Pure Goods | Dr. Seuss Pure Goods | Five Nights at Freddy's Pure Goods | Illumination Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Pure Goods | Laika Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Pure Goods | Netflix Pure Goods | Rankin/Bass Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | Super Mario Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods
