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Quotes of the conflicts Pure Good heroes have with Inconsistently Heinous villains.

Animated Movies[]

Waternoose: This has gone far enough, James!
Sulley: She's home now! Just leave her alone!
Waternoose: I can't do that! She's seen too much. You both have.
Sulley: It doesn't have to be this way.
Waternoose: I have no choice! Times have changed! Scaring isn't enough anymore!
Sulley: But kidnapping children?!
Waternoose: I'll kidnap a
thousand children before I let this company die! And I'll silence ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY!
~ Mr Waternoose revealing his plans to James P. Sullivan before smacking the latter away.
Tai Lung: I rotted in jail for twenty years because of your weakness!
Shifu: Obeying your master is not weakness!
Tai Lung: You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always knew. But, when Oogway said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do?!
Shifu: You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was not my fault!
Tai Lung: Not your fault?! Who filled my head with dreams?! Who drove me to train until my bones cracked?! Who denied me my DESTINY?!
Shifu: It was never my decision to make!
Tai Lung: It is now. [backs Shifu against the wall] Give me the scroll!
Shifu: I would rather die!
Tai Lung: All I ever did, I did to make you PROUD! Tell me how PROUD you are, Shifu! Tell me! TELL ME!
Shifu: I have always been proud of you. From the first moment, I've been... proud of you. And it was my pride that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming... what I was turning you into. I'm s... I'm sorry.
Tai Lung: [Pauses for a moment, then growls] I don't want your apology. I want my scroll!
~ Tai Lung, brutally attacking Shifu in pure rage.
AUTO: Now the plant.
McCrea: No. Wait a minute. Computer when was that message sent out to the Axiom?
Computor: Message recivied in the year 2110.
McCrea: That's...That's nearly 700 years ago! AUTO things have changed! We've got to go back.
AUTO: Sir, orders are: "Do not return to Earth."
McCrea: But life is sustainable now. Look at this plant. Green and growing. It's living proof he was wrong.
AUTO: Irrelevant, Captain!
McCrea:What?! It's completely relevant! Out there is our home! Home, AUTO. And it's in trouble. I can't just sit here and do nothing. That's all I've ever done! That's all anyone on this blasted ship has done, Nothing!
AUTO: On the Axiom, you will survive.
McCrea: I don't want to survive! I want to live!
AUTO: Must follow my directive.
McCrea: (Exclaims in frustration, to which he looks at the pictures of the previous captains with AUTO in all of them signifying AUTO was in control of the Axiom the whole time wherein all of them were just figureheads) I'm the Captain of the Axiom. We are going home today!
~ Captain McCrea defying AUTO
Ladybug: Don't touch him! (attacks Hawk Moth) No!
Hawk Moth: (easily prevents Ladybug from attacking him) I can feel your bones shaking! You're just a scared little girl, aren't you?
~ Hawk Moth taunting Ladybug before defeating her and taking her Miraculous.
Aggie: I'll make you suffer!
Norman: Why?
Aggie: Because... Because...
Norman: Because you want everyone to hurt just as much as you are. So whenever you wake up, you play this mean game, but you don't play fair!
Aggie: They hurt me!
Norman: So you hurt them back?
Aggie: I wanted everyone to see how rotten they were!
Norman: You're just like them, Agatha!
Aggie: No, I'm not!
Norman: You're a bully.
Aggie: No, I'm not!
Norman: They did something awful, but that doesn't mean you should too! All that's left of you now is mean and horrible!
Aggie: That's not true!
Norman: Then stop. This is wrong and you know it! You've spent so long remembering the bad people that you've forgotten the good ones. There must have been someone who loved you and cared for you. You don't remember them?
Aggie: Leave me alone!
Norman: But you're not alone! You have to remember!
Aggie: Keep away from me!
~ Norman Babcock confronting Aggie Prenderghast
Megatron: Impossible... Primus gave you the Matrix?
Optimus Prime: We could have built the future together.
Megatron: I'll build it myself... after I tear down everyone IN MY WAY!
~ Optimus Prime before his first battle against his former best friend, Megatron.

Animated TV Shows[]

The Collector: I know it's just pretend. I don't care. I'll pretend as long as I want!
Luz: But that's not what you want, is it?
The Collector: What do you know?
Eda: We know what it's like to be alone.
King: And abandoned.
Luz: And misunderstood. Hey, what if we showed you how we became friends?
~ Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, and King Clawthorne talking some sense to The Collector
Optimus Prime: Megatron! Today, you answer for your crimes against Cybertron and against humanity. One shall stand...
Megatron: And one shall fall! You Optimus Prime!
~ Optimus Prime and Megatron before they clash.
The Core: Whelp, you dare use Amphibia's greatest treasure against us?
Anne: These stones are NOT Amphibia's greatest treasure!
~ Anne Boonchuy standing against The Core.
Strange Supreme: You! You can stop this! (Uatu doesn't respond) Please, fix this!

Uatu the Watcher: (Comes into the Mirror Dimension) The same way you fixed Christine? (Christine gasps upon seeing Uatu)
Strange Supreme: I was wrong, I...
Uatu the Watcher: You were warned!
Strange Supreme: I know, but the world! It shouldn't pay for my arrogance. I read about you, sensed your presence. You're a god, you can undo this.
Uatu the Watcher: I am not a god, and neither you are.
Strange Supreme: Then punish me! Not the world! Not Christine!
Uatu the Watcher: Honestly, if I could fix this, if I could punish you instead, I would... but I can't interfere. You, more than anyone else, should understand that meddling with time and events only leads to more destruction.
Strange Supreme: No, NOOOO!! I didn't mean for this to happen!

~ Strange Supreme desperately pleading Uatu the Watcher to prevent his universe from collapsing only for the latter to refuse and leave him instead.
Hawk Moth: You're on borrowed time, you crazy old man! I'll just wait for you to transform back.
Jade Turtle: My powers are no more time-sensitive than yours. Obviously you haven't learned anything about the Miraculous, Hawk Moth.
Hawk Moth: I've learned enough to defeat you! The end of superheroes has come!
Jade Turtle: You talk a lot, but haven't achieved much so far.
Hawk Moth: Your defeat will be my greatest achievement!
~ Master Fu/Jade Turtle vs. Hawk Moth and Mayura.


Madoka: I can't do this! You're not saying anything! I don't understand you at all!
Kyubey: We had a hard time understanding you humans and your value system too. With the current population of 6.9 billion, which increases by the rate of 10 every 4 seconds, it's a mystery why you would care so much about the tiny handful.
Madoka: If that's how you think about us, then I guess, you really are our enemy.
~ Madoka Kaname and Kyubey questioning each others' morals and values.
Naruto Uzumaki: Peace!? Justice!? Yeah… Right. Don't give me that crap! My master! My sensei! My friends! My village! After everything you've done, don't you dare talk about peace and justice!
Pain: Then tell me what your goal is.
Naruto: I'm gonna kill you! And bring peace back to the Ninja World!
Pain: I see. That is noble of you. That is justice indeed. However,
my family, my friends, my village… They suffered the same fate as this village, by you Hidden Leaf Ninjas. How is it fair to only allow you people to preach about peace and justice? You and I seek the same thing. We are trying to establish the peace Jiraiya Sensei so desired. You and I are not different at all. We each act according to our own sense of justice. The justice I delivered to the Hidden Leaf Village is no different from what you are trying to do to me. The pain of losing something dear to you is the same. And both of us know the pain too well. You have your justice. And I have mine. We are both ordinary men, driven to seek vengeance under the banner of justice.
~ Naruto Uzumaki and Pain discussing their common goals for peace.

Live-Action Films[]

Thanos: The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation.
Bruce Banner: You murdered trillions!
Thanos: You should be grateful.
~ Bruce Banner vs. Thanos

Video Games[]

Well, well, such dedication to your work. I think you've earned yourself a break. Now come here... SO I CAN BREAK YOU.
~ Mr. Grizz before battling New Agent 3.
Finally! You got here just in time to see the creation of my galaxy in the center of the universe! WATCH AND WEEP! From this galaxy, I'll rule a great galactic empire with Peach by my side. It will last forever! I will rule every pitiful corner of the universe. So, Mario, as you can see, I got big plans. And stomping you is at the top of my list!
~ Bowser to Mario before their final battle.
This will be our final opportunity. We will not fail!
~ Mipha attacking Calamity Ganon
Calamity Ganon...for the sake of Hyrule, for all those harmed and slain, for our future, this is where you fall!
~ Princess Zelda before confronting Calamity Ganon
Doctor Octopus: AAGHH! Peter. I saw you as a son. I should’ve known you’d turn on me, just like all the others!
Spider-Man: Turn? I worshiped you! Your mind... your conscience, wanting to help others... the way you never gave up!
Doctor Octopus: That’s because men like us have a duty. A responsibility. To use our talents in the service of others. Even if they don’t appreciate it... we have to do what’s best for those beneath us. Whether they understand it or not.
Spider-Man: No. You’re wrong. You were everything I wanted to be! You just threw it away!
~ Spider-Man confronting Doctor Octopus for his betrayal.
CRASH BANDICOOT. It's about time. This is going to be just like the old days... except this time everything will go according to my plan! Hahahahahahahaha!
~ Dr. Neo Cortex preparing to fight Crash Bandicoot, as well as Coco and Aku Aku.
Takuto Maruki: Niijima-san! Everyone has the right for a happy family! You don't need to keep holding back your desire!
Makoto Niijima: I'll fulfill my desire for a happy family — with my own power!
~ Makoto Niijima rejecting Takuto Maruki's offer of an ideal reality.