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Unfortunately, I cannot appease Naboris on my own. I have no choice but to entrust the rest to you. Don't let us down, Link.
~ Riju
Lady Urbosa...For now, let us focus on winning this fight.
~ Riju arriving to save Urbosa from Thunderblight Ganon.

Lady Makeela Riju is a major character in the “Era of the Wilds” saga within Nintendo‘s The Legend of Zelda franchise.

She is the current chief of Gerudo Town who had been forced into leadership when her mother, the previous chief, died unexpectedly. She first appears in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in which she serves the purpose of pursuing Divine Beast Vah Naboris, which was corrupted by Calamity Ganon while trying her best to be a good leader to her people.

She is voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell in the English dub of the three games.

What Makes Her Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • Despite the misandrist cultural law of her people she enforces, she is still willing to allow males into Gerudo Town as long as they remain disguised.
  • Unlike Urbosa, Riju never uses lethal force except when necessary to defend herself or others.
  • While other characters have done more than her, she still stands out given her lesser resources.


  • Despite having been forced to take the Chieftain throne at a young age in wake of her mother's death, she does the best she can to lead her people despite their doubts about her competence since she is still learning the ropes of being at least a decent leader.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild[]

  • When Divine Beast Vah Naboris became active and started to cause sandstorms in Gerudo Desert, she set off to investigate what was going on, although she got into an accident in the process and needed to be saved by her advisor, Buliara.
  • Despite the state of emergency Gerudo Town is in and the Yiga Clan having stolen the Thunder Helm, she kept the Royal Palace open to visitors.
  • When she meets Link and realized that Link is a voe (Gerudo word for man), she permits him to stay around as long as he keeps his disguise on as she saw that he is not only a Hylian Champion, but also a friend to Urbosa (she will act according to law if Link isn't disguised and have him kicked out, but still).
  • While she could not head to Vah Naboris right away, it's because her special helmet, the Thunder Helm, was stolen by the Yiga Clan while she was away and she needs it to withstand Naboris's lightning attacks, and she requests Link to get it back since she isn't much of a seasoned fighter who could keep up with the footsoldiers' quick attacks and trusts in him.
  • She allowed Link to access her bedroom.
  • Once Master Kohga is defeated and the Thunder Helm is retrieved, she is able to actively do something, and she teams up with Link to stop Naboris's rampage. With the Thunder Helm, it makes the mission easier for both of them since it renders the wearer and anyone within range immune to lightning strikes.
    • Before setting off with Link to take down Naboris, she provided him with 20 Bomb Arrows to allow him to do so.
  • After Naboris is disabled, Riju wishes him luck as he takes care of the problem from the inside.
  • Once Naboris is finally calmed and Urbosa takes aim at Hyrule Castle with it, she starts to become a little more confident about handling difficult challenges ahead of her and it eventually gets put to the test.
  • Out of gratitude to him for saving the Gerudo from Naboris, Riju allowed Link to have Urbosa's Scimitar of the Seven and Daybreaker.
  • She agreed to lend Link the Thunder Helm after he helped the various residents of Gerudo Town with their problems.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity[]

  • When she saw that Urbosa was at the mercy of Thunderblight Ganon, she and her pet sand-seal Patricia burst out of the portal to knock it away from her, and when she saw the Gerudo Champion's surprise by her sudden presence, she insists that they focus on the fight for now. Because of her actions, Urbosa was able to last longer in battle and bought enough time for Link and the party to arrive and kick out Thunderblight.
  • Since Urbosa was exhausted from the fight, she joins the team to help save Revali and Teba from Windblight Ganon on Divine Beast Vah Medoh.
  • When Urbosa thanks her for saving her life, she refuses to take credit for herself and states that everyone fought as one.
  • In the Guardian of Remembrance DLC, she assists Urbosa in helping to defend the Royal Ancient Lab from the monsters and the Yiga Clan led by Master Kohga.
  • She joins Urbosa on Vah Naboris in keeping a large quantity of Guardians and monsters away from Fort Hateno to allow Link, Impa and Princess Zelda to get there safely.
  • Since having been constantly reassured by Urbosa since they first met; when they start to get overwhelmed and Naboris becomes exhausted of power, Urbosa herself becomes flustered by the reinforcements of their foes. At this point, it was Riju's turn to bring her back into focus by repeating the encouraging words the Gerudo Champion always gave her just before the other Champions back them up with their Divine Beasts.
  • She assisted the united army in bringing down Ganon's defenses so that the Champions can open fire to cripple him.
  • She silently mourned Terrako's broken state, since it was the main reason why the successors were there, the Champions survived, and several other good things that happened before they head upstairs to confront Ganon.
  • She fought Calamity Ganon with the rest of the group to weaken him enough for Link and Princess Zelda to finish him off and restore peace to Hyrule.

Between BotW and TotK[]

  • After becoming close friends with both Link and Princess Zelda, she vowed to strengthen the Gerudo Town Guard and founded the Southern Oasis Training Area at Zelda's suggestion.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom[]

  • When the Upheaval began and the Sand Shroud appeared over Gerudo Desert, she went to investigate with several soldiers and fought off the Gibdos in the First Encounter.
  • Realizing she still needed more training to master her power of lightning, she went to the North Gerudo Ruins to train.
  • When Faundi informed her of the swarm of Gibdos heading towards Kara Kara Bazaar, she immediately went there to both help fight off the Gibdos and protect the civilians there.
  • With Link's help, she successfully destroyed the Gibdo Hive spawning the swarm of Gibdos attacking Kara Kara Bazaar, then helped him and the soldiers finish off the remaining Gibdos.
  • With Link's help, she destroyed the three Gibdo Hives surrounding Gerudo Town and fought off the Gibdos with her soldiers.
  • She destroyed Queen Gibdo's cocoon that was blocking the entrance to the Lightning Temple, and subsequently fought her off with Link's help.
  • After Queen Gibdo retreated into the Lightning Temple, she followed her inside alongside Link and defeated her, causing the Sand Shroud and Gibdo Hives the queen had created to disappear, saving the Gerudo from them and allowing her to claim the Secret Stone.
  • She immediately accepted her role as the new Sage of Lightning upon hearing the story of the Imprisoning War, and vowed to help Link save the world from Ganondorf while allowing the latter to summon an avatar of her to aid in his quest.
  • Alongside the other Sages, she prevented Ganondorf from killing Link in Hyrule Castle by blocking his Gloom tendrils.
  • Alongside the other Sages, she helped Link defeat the Demon King's Army, and when Ganondorf resurrected the monsters the Sages had previously defeated, she stayed behind with the rest of them to hold them off and allow Link to fight Ganondorf.
  • When Ganondorf was about to gain the upper hand on Link, Riju arrived alongside the other Sages to help fight him.
  • In the epilogue, she and the Sages make their vow to serve Princess Zelda and to ensure that they and their descendants protect Hyrule for all time.

External Links[]


           The Legend of Zelda Logo Pure Goods

Video Games
Incarnations of Link
Hero of the Sky | Hero of the Minish | Hero of Time | Hero of Winds | Hero of Trains | Hero of Twilight | Hero of Legend | New Hero of Hyrule | Echoes of Wisdom | Hero of Hyrule | Hero of the Wild
Incarnations of Zelda
Skyward Sword | Ocarina of Time | A Link Between Worlds | Echoes of Wisdom | Twilight Princess | Spirit Tracks | Era of the Wilds | Hyrule Warriors
Fi | King of Red Lions | King Rauru | Mipha | Sidon | Riju | Terrako
See Also
Nintendo Pure Goods | Super Mario Bros. Pure Goods
