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NOTE: This page is about her 2024 remake version as her original 2015 version wasn't approved as Pure Good. Thus, only info & acts about her 2024 version should be added here.

Samantha 'Sam' Giddings is the main protagonist of the 2024 remake of the 2015 video game Until Dawn. She is one of a group of friends who returns to Blackwood Mountain to honor the disappearance of their friends a year ago, only to find herself thrown into a nightmare when the Makkapitew begins to stalk and attack the group, forcing Sam into a battle of survival where she must try to uncover the truth of what happened to her friends a year ago, while trying to get her remaining friends off the mountain. She is voiced and motion captured by Hayden Panettiere, who also voiced Princess Dot in A Bug's Life.

Synopsis and Overview[]

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What Makes Her Pure Good[]

  • Unlike the other protagonists of Until Dawn where their personalities are almost entirely up to the player in dialogue options, Sam is constantly depicted as the most empathetic and compassionate member of the group, with all her dialogue options being friendly, with the more aggressive options being simple sarcasm, and the more pacifistic options being gentle teasing.
  • While Sam does have a tendency to swear, all of the characters in the game do swear. Furthermore, she only uses the more heavier swearing when severely terrified and never uses them in an offensive way or overtly casually.
    • The one time she does swear directly at someone, it is at Mike if the player opts to have him shoot Emily. This is depicted as completely justified since Mike shot and killed his ex girlfriend over something that may have happened, and it is revealed a few seconds later to be something that would not have happened, meaning Mike shot Emily for nothing, showing Sam's disgust at Mike's action to be completely justified.
  • In the prologue, despite recognizing that Hannah is crushing heavily on Mike, she feels that the prank the rest of the group is initiating is far too cruel and disproportionate, since it involves luring Hannah to Mike and trying to catch her flirting with him. Her unease with the prank is exacerbated with the fact the group, consisting of Mike, Emily, Jessica, Matt, and Ashley, used one of her sketches as a note to lure Hannah to the prank, and she goes off to warn Hannah of the prank.
  • When Hannah goes beyond the group's expectations and begins to undress and seduce Mike, the rest of the group emerges. Sam arrives at the room and tries to calm Hannah, but Hannah, believing Sam to be involved in the prank thanks to the group framing her, runs off and flees. Sam calls the group involved in the prank jerks in a rare justifiable moment of anger since she warned the group it was a cruel prank and immediately ran off to comfort Hannah.
  • When Hannah fled the lodge and Beth ran off in pursuit, Sam does dissuade Mike from going after them. However, Sam recognized that given the severity of the prank they pulled on Hannah, along with the fact that Hannah believed her to be a part of it thanks to the group framing her, Hannah would be in no mood to listen to them at all. Furthermore, Sam had no idea that would be the last moment she would see Hannah and Beth alive and it is indicated repeatedly throughout the main game that Sam is deeply regretful over failing to go after Hannah and Beth, along with failing to find any trace of what happened to them as the group searched for them.
  • She comforted Josh as he began to severely grieve over the loss of his siblings, and ultimately went back to the lodge despite her misgivings so she could put Josh at ease and put the prank and the twins' disappearance behind her.
  • She will sternly and angrily reprimand Chris for shooting and killing a squirrel if the player has him shoot a squirrel on a firing range in Chapter 1. If he doesn't shoot the squirrel, Sam will instead compliment his shooting prowess.
  • When she and Josh are trying to get the boiler working, she won't hesitate to reassure him about getting over his siblings' disappearance, and also taking advantage of the situation of them being alone together to try to calm him by joking with him, recognizing all the stress and guilt he was put under by what happened to his sisters.
  • In Chapter 5, when she sees the Psycho's video of Josh being killed, she calls out his name in utter horror, terrified and saddened to see him killed so gruesomely.
  • When the Psycho attacks Sam, Sam is given several options to hit the Psycho with improvised weapons as he chases her. However, this is in complete self defense as the Psycho is an intruding stranger who had stolen her clothes, filmed her naked while she was bathing, shown her a video of her best friend and implied love interest getting gruesomely killed and had also threatened to kill her over the intercom.
  • In Chapter 7, despite having some misgivings about Jessica dating Mike given her role in orchestrating the prank against Hannah, Sam will be horrified upon being told by Mike that Jessica is dead, though whether Jessica is dead or not is dependent on the player's choices when Jessica is attacked in Chapter 4.
  • If Sam escaped from the Psycho in Chapter 5, she will discover the Psycho's workshop. If the player finds all the clues which shows that Josh is the Psycho and had faked his death earlier, and that he is suffering from severe mental health issues, especially schizophrenia misdiagnosed as depression. In the ensuing confrontation, she will sympathize with Josh's actions, recognizing that all of the difficulties of his severe illness combined with the guilt and grief over his siblings caused him to snap, despite everything he put her through, up to knocking her out if she was caught in Chapter 5. Furthermore, unlike Mike, who makes several comments about Josh's mental state, Sam never treats Josh as though he is a threat or incapable of understanding them, only calling Josh out on how horrible his prank was since it could have injured or killed them, and should she manage to find all the clues in the workshop, she recognizes that Josh's constant mistreatment by the medical system over his mental illness was one of the major reasons why he came up with the idea of the prank in the first place, since he was not given proper medicine to treat it.
  • In Chapter Eight, if Emily survived and made it back to the lodge, Sam will comfort her over her claim of a monster chasing her, by trying to reassure her that it was Josh. Similarly, should Emily have found all of the clues in the mines regarding Hannah and Beth and pieced together that they had fallen into the mines, along with relaying her belief that Hannah starved to death, Sam will be horrified that her friends died so horribly.
  • When the Stranger attempts to warn the group about the Wendigo haunting the mountain, Sam is the only one to encourage the group to hear him out, unlike the rest of the group who thinks he's a threat.
  • If Chris knocked Josh out in the shed in Chapter 7, Sam will angrily criticize Chris for knocking Josh out despite the fact he was already restrained and no danger to them.
  • When Chris and the Stranger depart to rescue Josh, Sam leads Mike, Ashley, and Emily if she is still alive, down to the basement to seek shelter from the Makkapitew, which is now attacking the group openly.
  • If the Stranger, and possibly Chris, was killed by the Makkapitew, Sam will be deeply saddened. If Chris was also killed and started a relationship with Ashley, she will also comfort the grieving Ashley.
  • If Emily was bitten by the Makkapitew during her escape from the mines, Mike and Ashley will be adamant she leave due to the idea she could turn into a Wendigo. Sam will be the only one to defend Emily, arguing it could only be a bite. When Mike escalates things dramatically and points a gun at Emily arguing she needs to die before she can possibly turn into a Wendigo, Sam will plead with Mike to calm down and drop the gun.
    • If Mike does not shoot Emily, Sam will tell Mike he made the right choice, and she will comfort a deeply traumatized Emily.
    • If Mike shoots Emily, Sam, in the only instance in the game where she swears aggressively at someone, calls Mike out for shooting Emily, before looking at Emily's body in sheer horror and disgust that Mike shot his ex girlfriend over something that might have happened.
  • Regardless of whether Emily was bitten or not and there was a confrontation if she was, Mike will head out to rescue Josh from the Makkapitew's nest in the mines, since Josh has the cable car key needed for them to escape. Ashley will then read from the Stranger's Journal and learn that the Wendigo bites don't turn people and that the sole requirement is cannibalism. If Emily was bitten and there was a confrontation, Sam's relationship with Ashley will be heavily affected by this.
    • If Ashley confesses to Sam about the bites not being infectious and Emily is alive, Sam will reassure Emily, but when Emily becomes hostile to Ashley over nearly getting killed, Sam will defend Ashley as being utterly terrified by the situation and that she is regretful over her panicking nearly getting Emily killed.
    • If Ashley refuses to disclose the truth, Sam will take the journal and learn about it herself. If Emily is still alive, Sam will reveal the truth, and disgusted with Ashley for nearly Emily killed over nothing, their relationship will take a major hit. While she will prevent Emily from attacking Ashley in retaliation for nearly getting her killed, she won't defend her actions to Emily out of disgust over Ashley nearly getting Emily killed needlessly.
    • If Mike shot Emily and Ashley confesses the truth, Sam will grieve over Emily dying for no reason whatsoever, and her relationship with Ashley will increase significantly if Ashley shows remorse.
    • If Mike shot Emily and Ashley refuses to disclose the truth, Sam will read the Journal and realize Emily died for nothing. Disgusted that Ashley got Emily killed for nothing and could not come clean with the truth, Sam's relationship with Ashley will collapse due to Ashley panicking getting Emily killed over something that would never happen.
  • Regardless of whether there was a confrontation if Emily was bitten, Sam will read the journal and learn that the Stranger has imprisoned multiple Wendigos in the Sanatorium and that Mike is unwittingly heading into very severe danger. Horrified, Sam will immediately rally the group to go after Mike, even if he shot and killed Emily. This is especially powerful as Doctor Hill states Sam has a fear of the supernatural, and Sam has just been shown irrefutable proof that a supernatural monster is real and hunting them. Yet, she still does not hesitate to go after Mike despite potentially encountering the Wendigos.
  • In Chapter Nine, Sam will lead the group to the Sanatorium, only to realize Mike had locked the door behind him. Sam will then lead the group to the sewers. If either Ashley or Chris go off to investigate Jessica's voice, in reality the Makkapitew mimicking her, Sam will express relief if either of them manage to escape the area and reunite without getting attacked by the Makkapitew. The group will then come to a rock wall that only Sam can climb. Sam will send the rest of the group back to the lodge if they are still alive at this point to keep them safe, while she goes on after Mike.
  • Sam will then make her way through the mines towards the Sanatorium. How she reunites with Mike will depend on whether he destroyed the Sanatorium by this point.
    • If Mike destroyed the Sanatorium by this point, he will enter the mines pursued by a surviving burning Wendigo. Sam will attack the creature in Mike's defense and can kill it outright by decapitating it.
    • If Mike hasn't destroyed the Sanatorium, Sam will arrive and knock the Wendigo pinning Mike down off of him, giving Mike enough time to destroy the Sanatorium.
  • Regardless, Sam tells Mike at the mine she was there to warn him about the Wendigos in the Sanatorium. Mike will reply he had the situation under control before the two move down towards' the Makkapitew's lair.
  • In Chapter 10, as they approach the nest, Sam can find a large grave where Beth's watch can be discovered, and will deduce that Beth was buried in that area.
  • After partially crossing the lake, Sam can find an island that has a journal with writing that Mike immediately recognizes as Hannah's. Sam reads through the Journal as Hannah recounted her days in the mines, quoting the 30th day as Hannah apologized to Beth and that she had no other options before seeing the following entries become increasingly disheveled and ineligible writing. If the grave for Beth was found, a horrified Sam realizes that Hannah had buried Beth, but after a month of starvation, dug Beth's body back up and consumed it, causing her to be possessed by the Makkapitew's spirit. Mike refused to believe it, but Sam noted that Hannah would have been desperate as she grieves over her best friend's horrifying fate. Sam then proceeds to bluntly tell Mike that they needed to find Josh immediately.
  • Upon finding the Makkapitew's lair, Sam will open the door to have the head of the Stranger, and the heads of any of the group if they died, roll out. A horrified Sam will grieve if any of her friends were killed by the Makkapitew. However, looking through the wooden wall, Sam sees Josh unharmed and she and Mike approached Josh, now severely hallucinating as they attempted to talk to him.
  • As Josh hallucinated severely, Sam asked Mike what was wrong with him. Although Sam cringed when Mike hit Josh to bring him back to reality, hearing Josh acknowledge and talk to him caused Sam to smile, telling Josh she didn't think they could save him. If Sam found Hannah's journal, she will tell him about her time being trapped in the mines. Upon being prompted by Mike, Sam will have Josh give her the cable car key, and she will then climb the cliff back to the lodge.
    • Sam finding Hannah's journal will directly save Josh's life after she leaves, as immediately after she leaves the two, Mike and Josh will be attacked by the Makkapitew. Being told about Hannah will cause Josh to call out her name, and it will result in Hannah briefly fight back against the Makkapitew's control, resulting in Josh being spared and reimprisoned. If Sam did not find the Journal, the Makkapitew will crush Josh's head, killing him.
  • Upon reuniting with Mike back at the lodge, Mike will tell Sam about Josh getting attacked by the Makkapitew. Sam will grieve heavily for Josh, arguing he never deserved that horrible fate, despite everything he did.
  • When the two head downstairs, any remaining survivors will run past them, revealing thee of the miner Wendigos have infiltrated the lodge. Sam, Mike, and Chris, Emily and Ashley if they are still alive, will head to the main floor and come to a dead stop, seeing the Makkapitew perched on the chandelier. As Sam comes to a stop, Mike tells her not to move at all. If Sam found Hannah's journal in the mines, she will look at the Makkapitew in sheer horror, recognizing the host as Hannah. Sam has to pass a Don't Move prompt in order to avoid getting spotted. If she fails it, Mike will move to distract the Makkapitew, but this will get him injured.
  • Eventually, the miner Wendigos will come upstairs and the Makkapitew will engage in a battle with them. The Makkapitew will kill one of them and throw the other one into a gas pipe, knocking it lose and causing gas to flood into the lodge. Sam and Mike, noticing the gas, decide to destroy a light bulb to have a raw flame, then turn on the light switch to create an explosion that will kill the Wendigos.
    • Sam has to pass five Don't Move prompts in order to get everyone out alive. Failing a single prompt will cause the Makkapitew to impale her through the chest and kill her. Passing the prompts will allow one of the survivors to escape. Eventually after all of the survivors have escaped, Sam will run to the switch, with a Wendigo in hot pursuit, but Hannah, fighting back against the Makkapitew's control, will tackle it as Sam hits the switch, causing an explosion that kills the Makkapitew and the remaining miner Wendigos and completely destroys the lodge.
  • If Sam survives the night, she will be interviewed by the police. She will grieve heavily over Josh, feeling betrayed by his actions as the Psycho, but is still deeply saddened over his fate given to him by the Makkapitew, recognizing that he was just a person horribly affected by a mental illness he received no adequate treatment for, with it being indicated that if Sam had been aware of how bad it was, she would have helped him. She will also implore the police to search the mines, arguing that she could not speak about how horrible it was.
    • While Sam does not tell the police about the Wendigo, it is because she recognizes the police would not believe her if she told them outright that a mythological creature was haunting the mountain, and that it would be better for the police to search the mines themselves by giving them a cryptic clue by saying she is too traumatized by her experiences.
  • In a post credits scene, if Sam found Hannah's journal in the mines, Josh showed remorse for what he had done as the Psycho in the penultimate therapy session and nobody was killed by the Makkapitew, Josh will be found alive and human by the police, implicitly starting a path of redemption. This makes Sam directly responsible for saving Josh from a fate worse than death in the 2024 remake, unlike the original game, where the only option for Josh to survive is for him to become a Wendigo.
  • At any point during the intervals following the Don't Move prompts during the final confrontation in the lodge, the player has the option to have Sam run for the switch early, killing the Wendigos, but also killing Mike along with Emily and Ashley if they are still alive. While the interview she has with the police has her express regret for killing Mike, the remake has a post credits scene Sam gets if she survived has her in Los Angeles years later with a photo of her, Mike, Emily and Hannah being very prominently featured throughout the scene. The photo is a memorial to the friends she lost on the mountain, including Emily and Ashley if they died in the lodge explosion, showing that she is still deeply grieving and very remorseful over the loss of her friends years after they died, thus subverting the corrupting quality she had in the original game.


  • Only the 2024 remake version of Samantha Giddings is Pure Good, as the original 2015 version did not qualify, since Sam does not express remorse if she ran for the switch early and killed Emily and Ashley in the lodge explosion. However, the remake added an epilogue scene where several years later, a photo of Sam, Mike Emily and Hannah in Sam's home explicitly serves as a memorial to the friends she lost if anybody died, including Emily and Ashley if they were killed in the lodge explosion. In addition, the remake has a bonus content featurette where Hayden Panetteire, Sam's actress, says that Sam is still heavily thinking about the friends she lost on the mountain that night, showing that Sam is very regretful over killing Emily and Ashley in the lodge explosion, allowing the remake version to subvert that original corrupting quality. The achievement in the original game for having Sam hit the switch early is also removed in the remake, meaning a player is not compelled to have Sam hit the switch if they want to get 100% of the achievements and implicitly rendering that decision non-canon.


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