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Don’t give up! I believe in you!
~ Prince Sidon's catchphrase
NO! I will not allow you to take her again!
~ Sidon refuses to lose his sister a second time

King Sidon, formerly known as Prince Sidon, is a major character in the “Era of the Wilds” saga within Nintendo‘s The Legend of Zelda franchise.

He is the son of King Dorephan and the younger brother of the Zora Champion Mipha. For playing his role in helping Link save the Zora's Domain from Mucktorok, he would be crowned as the new king and marry his childhood friend, Yona.

He is voiced by Kosuke Onishi in the original Japanese dub of the three games and by James Mortellaro in the English dub of the games.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • He is always willing to protect innocent lives from threats, even ones he's outmatched against.
  • He does not hold a grudge against Link or any of the Hylians for the countless deaths (including his sister) caused by the Calamity and is willing to accept his help.
  • While other characters have done more than him, he still stands out given his lesser resources.


  • According to the History of Zora, Addendum 2, Prince Sidon fought and defeated a giant Octorok that was terrorizing folks at Hateno Bay.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild[]

  • Prince Sidon was fully aware of the danger that plagued his people because of Vah Ruta's constant rainfall that threatened to flood the kingdom of Hyrule when it was still trying to recover from the terrible tragedy that happened a hundred years back, also the same day he lost his sister. Since he can't use Shock Arrows, he goes to find someone who can help them with the situation.
    • While he creeped out Douma when attempting to recruit her, it was a result of a misunderstanding on her part, not any actual malicious intent.
    • He recruited a Goron named Reagah to help, but abandoned that plan after realizing the Goron would be too heavy.
    • Upon meeting Link, he recruited the latter to help and was grateful when he accepted, even giving Link an Electro Elixir to help protect him from the many electric monsters on the path to Zora's Domain.
  • He consistently encouraged Link during his long journey to Zora's Domain, while warning him of the danger.
    • Once Link reached Luto's Crossing, Sidon warned him of the Blue Moblin approaching from behind.
  • When King Dorephan attempted to restore Link's memory by speaking of Mipha, Sidon interjected, rightfully pointing out that it wasn't helping.
  • Sidon persuades Muzu, who clearly distrusts Hylians, to give Link a chance and makes it clear that the Zora Armor was meant for Link as Mipha truly loved him and wanted to give it to him, though she never could because of the circumstances before and after her death.
  • He teams up with Link to appease Divine Beast Vah Ruta to put an end to the endless rain and allows Link to find the source of Ruta's behavior and destroy it. Sidon's help contributed to setting the Divine Beast free from corruption by Calamity Ganon.
  • He congratulates Link when he succeeded in bringing a permanently solution to their dilemma.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity[]

  • He traveled back in time upon witnessing Mipha being attacked and managed to save her before she could be slain by Waterblight Ganon and bought more time for help to arrive and deal with it and later helps Daruk and Yunobo fight off Fireblight Ganon. By doing this, Ruta and Rudania (even Medoh and Naboris) are also safe from Calamity Ganon's reach. Furthermore, because of these events, the younger Sidon is allowed to grow up alongside his elder sister.
  • In the Guardian of Remembrance DLC, Sidon assisted the people at Goponga Village and when he hears his sister's cries for her brother to retreat when he went up against an Electric Moblin, Sidon killed it before it could reach them. He reminded his infant self not to wander off, but praises him for his courage and encourages him to become stronger so he can protect his older sister.
  • Sidon teams up with Mipha to protect Akkala Citadel from the corrupted Guardians and an abundance of monsters and took control of Ruta to keep the worst of the monsters away, while Mipha leaves to help heal the injuries of the soldiers.
  • Alongside Mipha, Sidon also assisted Urbosa and Riju at Fort Hateno when they were at the mercy of reinforcements alongside the other Champions and their Divine Beasts.
  • Sidon fought alongside the army by taking down Hyrule Castle's defenses so the present Champions can open fire.
  • He briefly mourns Terrako's damaged state, since it was the reason why he, Teba, Riju, and Yunobo went back in time to protect their predecessors before they head to the sanctum to confront Ganon himself.
  • He, along with the rest of the warriors, managed to weaken Ganon enough for Link's Master Sword to breach through and Zelda's power to seal it once more.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom[]

  • After the Upheaval occurred, he used his power of hydrokinesis to purify the sludge water that was harming the Zora.
  • Upon being ambushed by the Sludge Like, he defeated it alongside Link.
  • While his insecurities about losing his loved ones brought on by the death of Mipha made him solemn and less enthusiastic at first, his charisma and drive to do good returned once Yona assured him that she was not going to go anywhere.
  • Upon reaching the Water Temple, he defeated Mucktorok alongside Link, preventing it from killing the Zora, clearing its sludge, and allowing him to claim the Secret Stone of his ancestor.
  • He immediately accepted his role as the new Sage of Water upon hearing the story of the Imprisoning War, and vowed to help Link save the world from Ganondorf while allowing the latter to summon an avatar of him to aid in his quest.
  • While reluctant at first, he ultimately accepted his role as the new Zora King upon his father's abdication and vowed to continue protecting his people and serving them.
  • Alongside the other Sages, he prevented Ganondorf from killing Link in Hyrule Castle by blocking his Gloom tendrils.
  • Alongside the other Sages, he helped Link defeat the Demon King's Army, and when Ganondorf resurrected the monsters the Sages had previously defeated, he stayed behind with the rest of them to hold them off and allow Link to fight Ganondorf.
  • When Ganondorf was about to gain the upper hand on Link, Sidon arrived alongside the other Sages to help fight him.
  • In the epilogue, he and the Sages make their vow to serve Princess Zelda and to ensure that they and their descendants protect Hyrule for all time.


External Links[]


           The Legend of Zelda Logo Pure Goods

Video Games
Incarnations of Link
Hero of the Sky | Hero of the Minish | Hero of Time | Hero of Winds | Hero of Trains | Hero of Twilight | Hero of Legend | New Hero of Hyrule | Echoes of Wisdom | Hero of Hyrule | Hero of the Wild
Incarnations of Zelda
Skyward Sword | Ocarina of Time | A Link Between Worlds | Echoes of Wisdom | Twilight Princess | Spirit Tracks | Era of the Wilds | Hyrule Warriors
Fi | King of Red Lions | King Rauru | Mipha | Sidon | Riju | Terrako
See Also
Nintendo Pure Goods | Super Mario Bros. Pure Goods
