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Don't lose your kindness. Take care of the weak and help each other. And don't stop trying to be friendly with people from other countries. No matter how many times you're disappointed. Those are my unchanging wishes.
~ Ultraman Ace to a group of kids before leaving Earth

Ultraman Ace is a major protagonist in the Ultraman franchise, serving as the titular protagonist of his series of the same name produced in 1972-1973.

He is the fifth Ultra brother to have arrived on Earth and one of the few Ultras to have 2 human hosts. Additionally, he is the adopted son of Father and Mother of Ultra, the older adoptive brother of Ultraman Taro, the godfather of Ultraman Z, and the arch-enemy of Yapool.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • While his killings of the Choju are quite lethally brutal, most of it was justified considering that, as confirmed by Ace himself, the Choju are incapable of feeling emotions and were originally created to be biological weapons by Yapool himself. As a matter of fact, given they were made to carry out the evil will of their creator and caused tons of deaths and destruction throughout their attacks, this makes Ace's killings of them all the more justified due to the necessity of ensuring the Earth's protection and sake, especially when it comes to viler Choju capable of heinous deeds such as Brocken, Mazaron Man, and Lunaticks. Despite this, however, he is capable of sparing Choju (e.g. Cowra and Aprassar) and showing remorse over killing them due to knowing they were victims of Yapool (e.g. Black Pigeon and Aquarius).
  • Even though the Ultraman franchise has incredibly high admirable standards due to the multiple numbers of New Generation Ultramen crossing over to the main universe, Ace still stands out for having fewer resources, doesn't have form-changing abilities like Zero or Mebius, and even his own godson Z, and given the fact that the Choju had proven to be an even greater threat than the average Kaiju.

Ultraman Ace[]

  • After witnessing Seiji Hokuto and Yuko Minami sacrificing themselves during Velokron’s rampage in order to save a bunch of orphans, he merged with them and gave them the Ultra rings, allowing them to transform into him so that all three of them could defend the world against Yapool and his terrible monsters
  • In episode 1, he defeated Velokron
  • In episode 2, he saved Captain Goro Ryu from getting killed by Chameleking and later defeated the choju afterwards
  • In episode 3, he defeated Vakishim, preventing him from destroying TAC’s HQ
  • In episode 4, he defeated Garan and while this did kill his human controller Kuri Mushitaro in the process, he didn’t know. Additionally, Kuri’s death was well deserved due to the fact that he had already kidnapped Nikawa prior to this in order to force her into marrying him and was using Garan to get her back. Furthermore, he was willing to betray humanity and work as an agent of Yapool in order to do this and had killed several other woman
  • In episode 5, with the help of Zoffy, he defeated Giron-Man and Aribunta, preventing the two from killing and feeding on the surface dwellers
  • In episode 6, after some motivation from Zoffy and the other Ultra brothers,he managed to defeat Brocken and sever its control over an astronaut, allowing him to reunite with his son and wife who had just given birth to a new son
  • In episode 8, he prevented Alien Metron jr and doragory from sabotaging TAC’s attempts at stopping the planet Goran from colliding with Earth and later defeated the two afterwards
  • In episode 9, he saved Captain Ryu, Noriko, and Kozu from getting killed in battle before eventually defeating Gammas, preventing Yapool from making an army of it
  • In episode 10, he saved Jiro from suffocating from fire and later defeated Zaigon
  • In episode 11, he defeated Unitang, preventing it from destroying TACs chaju radar detective system
  • In episode 12, he defeated Sabotendar
  • In episode 13, he initially refused to leave his brothers behind on the Planet Golgotha, however after lots insistences from Ultraman to not worry about them and fulfill his mission , he chose to return to Earth in order to defeat BarabasLater on in the episode, when Yapool threatened to kill the Ultra brothers if he killed Barabas, he surrendered and allowed Barabas to defeat him in order to spare his brothers lives.
  • In episode 14, he destroyed the missile that was going to destroy Golgotha, preventing the Ultra brothers from getting killed before eventually returning to Golgotha itself in order to save them , with him claiming that he was willing to die with them in order to defeat Ace killer. Fortunately, he managed to defeat Ace killer and eventually free his brothers before bidding them farewell and returning to Earth Following this, he went on to defeat Barabas, who had previously killed a young boy’s older brother in the prior episode, thus avenging him in the process
  • In episode 15, he defeated King Crab
  • In episode 16, he reverted Takai back into a human after he was previously turned into the choju Cowra by Yapool
  • In episode 17, he defeated Hotarunga
  • In episode 18, despite defeating/killing Black Pigeon, he showed remorse due to the fact that he was once a young boy’s pet pigeon who was made into a choju by Yapool
  • In episode 19, he defeated King Kappa, preventing him from turning more kids into Kappas and reverting the ones who were turned back to normal
  • In episode 20, he defeated Zemistar
  • In episode 21, he managed to free Aprassar from Yapool’s control and revert her back to her normal form before later bringing her to a new home world so that she could live in peace after Yapool had previously destroyed her old one
  • In episode 22, he defeated Black Satan
  • In episode 23, he defeated Yapool for the first time,while also saving all the children on Earth who he had kidnapped
  • In episode 24, he defeated Mazaron Man
  • In episode 25, he defeated the Orion Aliens and their choju Sphinx, preventing them from conquering Earth while also avenging another Orion Alien who had redeemed herself and was killed by the leader
  • In episode 27, he defeated Alien Hipporito, preventing him from conquering Earth and reverting the rest of Ultra brothers back to normal after Hipporito turned them into bronze. Additionally, following Alien Hipporito’s defeat, him and the brothers brought Father of Ultra back to the Land of light and revived him after he sacrificed his color timer in order to replenish Ace’s.
  • In episode 28, he defeated Lunatyx, avenging all of Yuko’s brethren that he had killed while also preventing him from draining the magma from Earth’s mantle by extension, killing humanity. Later on in the episode, after Yuko split from Ace, he interacted with her one more time before she sensed herself off
  • In episode 29, he defeated Ungramon and his choju Gitagitanga, preventing them from destroying the surface dwellers and avenging Dan Umezu’s father who was killed by the latter.
  • In episode 30, he defeated Red Jack, avenging a girl’s mother and sister who were killed by it.
  • In episode 31, after giving Baktari to Seven and letting him revert it back to a normal Baptir, he returned the Baptir back to earth to live its life as a normal Zoo animals
  • In episodes 32, he defeated Coakes, preventing him from destroying a military base
  • In episode 33, he defeated Bad Ballon, allowing the children who had their sense of fun taken by him be able to have fun while also preventing him from the draining the joys of more children
  • In episode 34, he defeated Keiteigon, avenging the death of a boy and his sister’s father, while also preventing him from from destroying more ships
  • In episode 35, he defeated Dreamgillas
  • In episode 36, he defeated Soundgillar
  • In episode 37, he defeated Machless, preventing him from destroying more planes and trains
  • In episode 38, with the help of Father of Ultra, he defeated Namahage’s choju Snowgiran, preventing him from blinding more people.
  • In episode 39, he defeated Alien Fire and afterwards performed a handstand for a boy who was having trouble in gym class which helped inspire him to train harder
  • In episode 40, he saved a panda, Dan, Motoko, and a Panda toy store owner from getting killed by Alien Steal and later defeated the Alien himself, allowing all the toy panda’s he stole to be brought back to where they originally were.
  • In episode 41, with the help of TAC, he defeated Shishigoran and Kaimanda while also freeing a boy named Shinto from the former after he put on a lion masked cursed by the former.
  • In episode 42, he defeated Iceron, preventing him from freezing all of Japan while also avenging the death of a little girl’s father whose spirit went to become Woo 2.
  • In episode 43, he defeated Fubigara, dawing out everyone in a village and resort who were frozen by the choju
  • In episode 44, after him and Hokuto were cured of their numbness by Seven, he defeated Oni-Devil and later cured Hokuto and Ichiro’s of their numbness as well
  • In episode 45, he brought Gasergon to space, allowing TAC to blow him up without causing any casualties due to the radiation in him
  • In episode 46, he defeated Daidarahoshi, preventing him from destroying an ancient statue in the past and later brought TAC back to the present after Daidarahoshi trapped them there
  • In episode 47, he reverted Hanzagiran back into a normal Slamander after he was he infected by Yapool’s cells
  • In episode 48, he defeated Velokron 2
  • In episode 49, he defeated Aquarius, however despite killing her, he felt remorse for it and stood in silence for a moment out of respect.
  • In episode 50, he defeated Signalion
  • In episode 51, he defeated Geegon which gave back the souls of people it made play its music, including Haruo’s mother.
  • In episode 52, he defeated Jumbo-King, one of Yapool’s most powerful terrible monsters. However, before fighting it, he gave one final goodbye to his TAC crew mates (including his life as Seiji Hokuto). Additionally, before flying back to M78, he encouraged a group of kids to never give up on their kindness and to help the weak no matter where they came from and no matter how many times their trust is betrayed.

Ultraman Taro[]

  • In episode 1, him and the rest of the Ultra brothers helped Mother of Ultra revive Kotaro Higashi after he was killed by Astromons, allowing him to become the human host for Taro.
  • In episode 25, him and the other 5 Ultra brothers rung the Ultra bell, clearing out the dark smoke cloud Mururoa created all over Earth, while also allowing Taro to have a rematch with it and defeat it.
  • In episode 33, him and Jack were the only ones who wanted to help Taro when he had fight Alien Temperor all by himself. Additionally, even when he went along with Zoffy’s plan to possess the unconscious members of ZAT in order to teach Taro not always rely on them, him and Jack felt bad and even considered trying to transform into their Ultra forms to help him before being talked out of it by Zoffy, Ultraman, and Seven.
  • In episode 34, after Taro seemingly defeated Alien Temperor (in reality it wasn’t) him and the other brothers congratulated him on his success, and even mentioned that him and jack were worried about him, showing his love for younger adoptive brother Later on in the episode, him and the other brothers helped Taro defeat Alien Temperor once in for all.
  • In episode 40, him and the other Ultra brothers before Taro attempted to defeat Tyrant

Ultraman Leo[]

  • In episode 38, him, Zoffy, Ultraman, and jack traveled to Earth to stop “Astra”/Alien Babarue and to bring back the Ultra key he stole in order to prevent M78 from crashing into Earth.
  • In episode 39, after Ultraman King revealed the imposter Astra to be Alien Babarue in disguise, him and the other Ultra brothers

Ultraman Mebius & The Ultra Brothers[]

  • In 1986, him, Ultraman, Seven, and Jack used up all their energy to seal Yapool/U-Killersaurus into the Kobe damn, even though it resulted in them being unable to transform into Ultraman. However, despite this, he excepted it, believing that humans would still be able to fight even without them. Following this, he then spent the next 20 years working as chef on Earth while watching over the seal in order to make sure Yapool wouldn’t escape
  • During a montage of all the Ultras doing their jobs in as humans in 2006, he grabbed a glass cup that a little girl accidentally knocked over before giving it back to her afterwards While him, Jack, Seven, Ultraman, and Mirai/Mebius started talking about Yapool and the alien invaders trying to resurrect him, he warned Mirai to be careful when dealing with them and to not get too overconfident in his strength as it could end in his downfall.
  • When Mebius was crucified by Alien Guts, he was the first one who decided to transform into an Ultra in order to save him and by extension the rest of the world, despite the fact that he barely had any energy left and could die in the process. Following this, he then managed to convince the other brothers into joining him in saving Mebius
  • When Mebius tried talking him and the others out of transforming, he reminded him to never give up and to rely on the strength of his heart in order to make the impossible possible.
  • Despite working for Yapool, he expressed shock when Yapool ungratefully killed Alien Knackle after he had just got done reviving him moments earlier, and later expressed vocal disgust upon realizing that Yapool had used the other alien invaders for his own revival, even calling him “the devil” because of this act.
  • During the final battle, him, Zoffy, Ultraman, Seven, Jack, and Taro fused with Mebius in order to help him defeat U-Killersaurus Neo, leading to him saving his love interest Anya Jinguiji and defeating Yapool

Ultraman Mebius[]

  • in episode 44, when Mebius started believing he couldn’t save anyone by himself after having been seemingly defeated by Yapool, he reassured him that he was alone, bringing up his old partner Yuko Minami as an example and how even though she eventually departed from him in order to reunite with her brethren, she was still fighting with him symbolically. After this, he then encourage him to rise up, leading to Mebius thinking of his friends and regaining enough of his strength to eventually defeat Yapool before later saving Additionally, he also used telepathy in order to help guide Marina Kazama and the rest of GUYS to a shield that was keeping and later defeated Lunatyx which gave them the chance to go back to Earth Following Yapool and Lunatyx’s defeat, he telepathically communicated to Mebius his wish which was for him to not give up his kindness and to help the weak regardless of where they came from and no matter how many times his trust is betrayed. Something he had previously encouraged to a group of kids back in final episode of his series.
  • In episode 50, during Mebius’ final battle against Alien Empera, him and the other Ultra brothers helped successfully unblock the sun after Empera previously covered it in darkness in order to wipe out humanity.

Ultraman Mebius Gaiden: Ghost Rebirth[]

  • In Stage 1, under Zoffy’s orders, him and Atari traveled to the monster graveyard in order to rescue Hikari after he was ambushed by the Dark Four Heavenly Kings.
  • In stage 2, after him and Taro were freed by Mebius and Hikari, he assisted them in defeating the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, with Ace in particular defeating his arch enemy Yapool

Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends The Movie[]

  • During Belial’s raid on the Land of light after escaping from prison, him, Jack, and 80 attempted to stop him from getting the plasma spark.

Ultraman Zero: Revenge Of Belial[]

  • During the beginning of the film, he and the other Ultra warriors used some of their energy in order to create a travel sphere for Zero during his travel to investigate where the Darkclops Zero’s came from.

Ultraman Saga[]

  • During the climax, before the battle against Hyper Zetton, him and the other brothers (excluding Mebius and Taro) traveled to another dimension in order to help Zero fight against Alien Bat’s other monsters (Antlar, King Pandon, Black King, Velokron, and Tyrant), with Ace in particular defeating Velokron , one of his most recurring enemies.

Ultraman Ginga[]

  • Ultraman Ginga During the beginning of the series, he participated in the dark spark war alongside his the other Ultra warriors in order to fend off against an army of monsters Ultra Fight Victory
  • In episodes 4 & 5, he traveled all the way to the Planet Golgotha in order to try and rescue Ginga after he was captured by Yapool
  • In episodes 8-9, while Ginga and Victory fought Yapool, him, Leo, and Astro managed to defeat Velokron, Vakishim, and Doragory.
  • In episode 11, while Victory battled against Juda Specter, him, Ginga, Leo, and Astra managed to defeat Juda’s monster Super Grand King Spectre

Ultraman Geed[]

  • During the beginning of episode 1, him and the Ultra warriors attempted to defend m78 from Belial and his army during the Omega Armageddon

Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy[]

  • In episode 6, him and the other 4 Ultra brothers fused with Taro in order to help him defeat Juda Spectre and Mold, leading to the latter two’s defeat.

Prior to Ultraman Z[]

  • At some point, he gave his godson Z his name based on the fact that humans use it to refer to “the last” of something, as well as because he wanted Z to bring peace to the universe and to be a “Last hero” of sorts.

Ultraman Z[]

  • In episode 19, he helped Z defeat Barabas. Afterwards, he then expressed pride in him and how much more stronger he became. Additionally, in his monologue to Yapool during his and Z’s battle against Barabas, he rebuffed a statement he told to him and Seiji (in episode 48 of his series) about how he will bare the malice of those that have fallen, claiming that he and the other Ultras would fight on until the day the universe is finally at peace.

Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad[]

  • In episode 9, him and the other Ultra brothers fused with Mebius, allowing him to defeat a bunch of Absolutians and close their portals, preventing more reinforcements.


External Links[]


           Ultraman English Pure Goods

Ultraman (Original | Shin | Rissing) | Zoffy | Ultraman Ace | Mother of Ultra | Ultraman Leo | Astra | Ultraman Noa | Ultraman Mebius | Ultraman Zero | Ultraman Geed | Ultraman Trigger | Ultraman Blazar

Human Hosts/Forms
Shin Hayata| Seiji Hokuto| Yuko Minami | Gen Ohtori | Shin Asuka | Musashi Haruno | Kazuki Komon | Jun Himeya | Ren Senjyu | Mirai Hibino | Hikaru Raido | Daichi Oozora | Riku Asakura | Shinji Kaminaga | Kengo Manaka | Kanata Asumi | Ken Sato
