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You’re 20,000 Years too early to beat me!”
~ Zero’s Catchfrase

Ultraman Zero is a major protagonist of the Ultraman franchise. he is the son of Ultraseven and the student of Ultraman Leo. Like Belial, he once tried to take the Plasma Spark in order to become more power. However, after being exiled and trained by Ultraman Leo, he later redeemed himself and became actual hero among the land of light.

In the Japanese dubs, he is voiced by Mamoru Miyano in all of his appearances, who also played Mario in the Japanese dub of The Super Mario Bros Movie. In the English dubs of Ultra Galaxy Legends to Ultraman X The Movie he was voiced voiced by Daniel Van Thomas. In the English dub of New Generation Heroes, he is voiced by Jack Merluzzi. In the English dub of The Absolute Conspiracy and The Destined Crossroad, he is voiced by Eric Kelso. In the English dub of Ultraman Z, he was voiced by Sean Schemmel, who also played Goku in the Funimation Dubs of Dragon Ball.

What Makes Him Pure Good[]

Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends The Movie[]

  • While training with Ultraman Leo on a barren planet, he rescued a single Pigmon from getting crushed by a gigantic rock, an act of kindness that impressed his mentor.
  • Upon discovering from Ultraman King that Ultraseven is his father all along and that he stopped him from touching the Plasma Spark due to him wanting to prevent his son from ending up like Belial, he changed his ways and became more humble.
  • Upon receiving a distress signal from Seven, him, Leo and Astra instantly went to the Monster Graveyard to help the other heroes fight against Ultraman Belial.
  • Wiped out and defeated all of Belial’s monster army.
  • With the help of Rei, Ultraman,Ultraman Mebius, Shin Asuka, Leo, Astra,and the Zap spacey team, he was ultimately able to defeat Belial in his monster fused Belyuruda form and return the plasma spake back to the land of light, restoring it back to normal while also preventing all the frozen Ultras from dying.
  • After restoring the land of light, he later reconciled with Seven.

Ultra Galaxy Legend Gaiden: Ultraman Zero Vs. Darkclops Zero[]

  • Upon discovering the Salome Aliens plan to invade the multiverse with an army of robotic ultra brothers , he quickly went to stop them, even teaming up with an alternate Zap spacey crew.
  • Saved Rei and Captain Hyuga from getting killed by Mecha Gomora.
  • With the help of Leo, he managed to defeat the last few Imitation Ultra brothers that were around and later save Gomora from Darkclops Zero and Mechagomora.
  • Defeated Darkclops Zero while Rei and Gomora fought against Mechagomora.
  • Helped Rei and Hyuuga escape from Planet Cheney as it was being destroyed by Darklops Zero's self-destruct attack.

Ultraman Zero:Revenge of Belial[]

  • Helped a bunch of miners fight against the Leigonoids on Planet Anu
  • Merged with Run’s body to save his life after watching him sacrifice himself to save his brother
  • Met with Jen-Nine, Glen fire, and Mirror knight and formed the Ultimate Firce Zero to stop Belial
  • Protected Planet Esmeralda from Arch Belial's destructive energy beam.
  • With the help of Ultraman Noa, he managed to defeat Belial a second time and destroy his entire army, preventing him from conquering the multiverse

Ultraman Zero Gaiden: Killer The Beatstar[]

  • Saved Rei, Captain Hyuga, and Princess Emerana from Ace Killer, Leigonoid, and King Joe
  • With the help of Rei, Captain Hyuga, and his team, he managed to convince Jean Killer/Jean Nine into turning against Beatstar and redeem himself.
  • Defeated Beatstar and his army with the help of Jean Nine and Captain Hyuga, ending his reign of terror for good while also preventing him from wiping out all life in the universe.m
  • With help of his team mates, he managed to convince Jean Nine into joining Ultimate force Zero

Ultraman Saga[]

As Zero[]

  • Traveled to future Earth, to stop Alien Bat
  • Upon witnessing Nozomu Taiga risk his life to save a boy, he merged with his body to save him.
  • fused with Cosmos and Dyna to help them defeat Alien Bat and Hyper Zetton

As Saga[]

  • Defeated Alien Bat for good, preventing him from wiping all life in the multiverse as well as saving/returning all the humans who were kidnapped by Bat in the process, allowing them to reuinite with their children

Ultra Zero Fight[]

  • During his battle with EX Red King, he saved a Pigmon that Alien Bat Gurashi had resurrected
  • Upon learning that Pigmon would die if he killed Gurashi, he split himself into two and expelled the souls of four monsters from his body before destroying him, saving Pigmon in the process.
  • Saved Planet Fanegon from Silvergon
  • Defeated Alien Hipporit Jatar and freed Glenfire and Mirror Knight after they were turned to bronze by the former
  • With some encouraged from the other members of Ultimate Force Zero, he managed to break free from Belial’s possession and stop him from killing Pigmon as well as conquering the multiverse.
  • Revived the Ulimate Force Zero using his Shining Star Drive.
  • After Revivubg them, he adopted Pigmon.

Ultraman Ginga S The Movie: Showdown! The 10 Ultra Warriors![]

  • Trained Hikaru Raido and Sho and helped them defeat Etelgar and prevent him from conquering the multiverse
  • Defeated the Eteldummy of Belial

Ultraman X[]

  • In episode 5, he helped X and Daichi Oozora rescue Rui from Bandero at Planet Guillermo and defeat Alien Nackle

Ultraman X The Movie: Here He Comes! Our Ultraman[]

  • Helped defeat a Tsurugi Demaaga while Tiga, Ultraman, X, and Daichi fought against Zaigorg

Ultraman Orb The Movie: Let Me Borrow the Power of Bonds![]

  • Helped Orb defeat a Galactron

Ultra Fight Orb[]

  • In episode 3, he helped Orb defeat Juda Specter and Mecha Gomora
  • In episode 6, he helped Seven train Orb, leading to him being able to defeat Reibatos

Ultraman Geed[]

  • In episode 1, he briefly tried to stop Belial from destroying Geed’s Earth
  • Saved Leito's life and revived him by merging with him after witnessing him sacrifice himself in order to save a child from getting hit by a truck.
  • From episode 6 and onwards, he and Leito teach Riku aka. Geed about what it means to be a proper Ultra despite the former being understandably disturbed by Geed's resemblance to Belial (which only apparent once Riku confessed that he's indeed Belial's son) but know better that he will walk his own path.
  • In episode 7, he sacrificed himself to prevent everyone from being held hostage by Kei Fukuide and Leito from dying, even if he ultimately survived.
  • In episode 8, he helped Geed defeat Kei’s Galactron
  • In episode 9, he defeated Tyrant.
  • in episode 10, he helped a Juvenile Zandrias gain the courage to express his feelings to his crush.
  • In episode 12, he temporarily sealed Belial in his pocket dimension.
  • Bidding Leito and his family farewell after his Ultimate Bracelet is newly fixed.

Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect The Wishes![]

  • Helped Orb and Geed defeat Gillvalis and prevent him from wiping out all life in the multiverse.

Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes[]

  • In episode 1, he went to go protect Ultrawoman Griego from Ultra Dark Killer
  • Defeated Dark Killer’s Zero Darkness and helped the new generation heroes defeat their Darkness copies as well.

Ultraman Taiga[]

  • in episode 23, he helped Taiga defeat Imitation Belial by giving him the Plasma Zero.
    • Additionally, before leaving, he gave a motivational speech to Hiroyuki Kudo and the Tri-Squad.

Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy[]

  • In episode 8, he helped alert Jonias of Absolute Tartarus’s plans.
  • in episode 9, he helped Mebius, 80, Yullian, Taiga, and Z fight against Zett’s Zetton Army.

Ultraman Z[]

  • As he was getting getting sucked into Bullton's wormhole in episode 1, he handed Z the Ultra Medals and Z Riser so that he could stop Celebro all while entrusting him to take care of them and make sure they wouldn’t get into the wrong hands.
  • After escaping from Bullton's fourth dimensional phenomenal in episode 8, he later helped Z and Geed to defeat Celebro's Belial Fusion Monsters.
  • At the end of episode 8, he entrusted Z and his human host Haruki to keep the Earth safe before leaving to return to Land of Light.

Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad[]

  • In episode 6, he managed to temporarily force Absolute Tartarus into retreating.


External Links[]


           Ultraman English Pure Goods

Ultraman (Original | Shin | Rissing) | Zoffy | Ultraman Ace | Mother of Ultra | Ultraman Leo | Astra | Ultraman Noa | Ultraman Mebius | Ultraman Zero | Ultraman Geed | Ultraman Trigger | Ultraman Blazar

Human Hosts/Forms
Shin Hayata| Seiji Hokuto| Yuko Minami | Gen Ohtori | Shin Asuka | Musashi Haruno | Kazuki Komon | Jun Himeya | Ren Senjyu | Mirai Hibino | Hikaru Raido | Daichi Oozora | Riku Asakura | Shinji Kaminaga | Kengo Manaka | Kanata Asumi | Ken Sato
