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Pure Good Wiki

Ursula Callistis, born as Chariot du Nord and by her stage name Shiny Chariot, is one of the main characters in the 2017 original Studio Trigger anime, Little Witch Academia. She is the Magic Astronomy teacher at Luna Nova Magical Academy and the mentor (and idol) of Atsuko Kagari.

She is voiced by Noriko Hidaka in the Japanese dub, while she is voiced by Alexis Nichols in the English dub.

What Makes Her Pure Good?[]

  • She had an ideal of making people happy by performing magic. But she abandons her dreamed career when controversy revolved around her and something terrible during her final act (short film indicated her staff, Shiny Rod, suddenly lost its power thus barring her from continue performing at its fullest whereas anime TV series has Croix Meridies tricking her to use Dream Fuel Spirit thus severely handicapping magic potential of her spectators — Akko and Diana's included — leading her to lose her way and (later) worth as the wielder Shiny Rod after unwisely using its power to deface the moon).
  • She saved Akko, Lotte and Sucy during their time getting into the orientation while helping Akko unlocking the First Word of Arcturus.
  • She helped her student Akko and comforted her in most ways she could do, even helped her improve her magic.
  • She defended Akko when she was about to be kicked out while discriminated by Anne Finnelan, just to prove she had a point of Akko having potential as a great witch.
  • She tried to reason and stop her former friend, Croix Meridies, from claiming the Grand Triskellion for herself.
  • Even after what Croix has done and considered to resort to kill her hence the reason she asked Diana to take care of Akko in her stead (she didn't want either Akko or Diana seeing their idol become a murderer), Ursula ultimately protects her from the now mutated Noir Rod as she still considers Croix her friend and forgave her, which later results to having her redemption later on. This helped by the tragic revelation of Croix's descent into villainy being the result of their mentor Woodward who neglected her said best friend all along.
  • She, alongside Croix, aids Akko and the rest into stopping the rogue Noir Rod.
  • Even though she was the reason Akko doesn't perform well in magic, it wasn't by purpose or intentionally. She still shows remorse over what happened in her career.


  • She, alongside Lotte Jansson, are the only two Little Witch Academia heroes to be Pure Good.

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