Ok, this will be brief, but I have two candidates (if this gets approved I'll do a single page since they have almost no difference).
Note: Part of this is similar to my proposal for Horror on IH wiki, but I was the one who made that proposal.
What's the work?[]
If Things Were People is an YouTube series by Frank James which revolves around... well, various things in humanized form.
This proposal talks about specifically If Colors Were People, which is about, well I think you got it.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet are having a meeting and discussing about how the pride flag is still not paying them for using them as part of its design, when Black and White arrives to aks if they can enter the Rainbow Association only to get rejected. Then Ultraviolet, Violet's invisible and evil brother cames and starts to make them disappear using real life logic, but Black and White defeats him with sunscreen. They're thus acepted in the Rainbow Association, althought they're still embarassed.
Who are the characters?[]
Black and White are the deuteragonists. They’re embarrassed colors who wants to join Rainbow Association but are constantly rejected due to not being considered “true” colors.
What did they do?[]
They saved the life of six people from being erased (they were literally disappearing). It’s just one act, but I think it is enough, if barely.
Admirable Standard?[]
They saved six people (well, colors, but they're still sentient beings) from disappearing. And to explain what the disappearing means, Blue in the video literally said that "the very fabric of [his] own being is disappearing" and Orange affirm to the duo that they just saved them towards the end. I think this is enough to pass the baseline.
About In-Story Standards, they're the only true heroes in the video: UV is a villain, the main six didn't do anything heroic, and every other color is just briefly mentioned.
Now, there are some videos in the series which mention other ones: Letters and Numbers both show a character named Andy that the titular characters are trying to help; Music Genres and Social Media Platforms both mention a girl named Tiffany; in Decades the 20's says that he had a talk with his friend Pinterest (who appears in Social Media Platforms). So there is some form of continuity, but you could say that is it just for gags rather than forming a serious canon, and Colors specifically doesn't shout-out to another video. Plus in Music Genres the protagonist breaks the fourth wall by saying "the format of these skits", which is also an hint of how the series is just a series of skits without a real overarching plot, which is helped by contrasting details (like Milk and Holiday being singular characters in a video while later videos show several different ones of them).
Assuming that the video is indeed canon to the others, the competion isn't that problematic: Superhero from Movies Genres, who saved around 27 people's lives, has used CGI to do his Greatest Action, which Black and White don't have. Then there is Sci-fi, who was the one who suggested time travel to Superhero, but he needed a more resourceful hero to do the act, something that Black and White don’t have. There is also Water from Drinks, who is said to sustain life, but Black and White doesn’t have the chance to doing so as they’re just colors.
There aren’t other heroes in the series besides these five, as most of the characters are neutral jerks or generic nice guys who do good things but nothing beyond the baseline (like Tartar Sauce from Condiments and the months from Months).
Corrupting qualifies?[]
They’re both not happy when the other colors refuse them but this is understandable as they were rejected rudely.
White, after the other says that black is not a true color since he’s the absence of colors, responds saying “Scientifically, I am the presence of all color, so using that logic, I should be God in this scenario”. This may sound arrogant, but he didn’t say it out of ego, but just to criticize the reasoning used by the main six colors. He doesn’t appear to be actually arrogant, and does nothing to show he thinks himself as higher than others, he does just want to be treated like others.
Yes, but the choice belong to you.