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Pure Good Wiki
Pure Good Wiki

Copied from his HFW Proposal, go vote on that if you can.

What is the Work?

Wednesday's Infidelity is A Friday Night Funkin' Mod based off the infamous Lost Episode creepypasta "Suicide Mouse". It revolves around a version of Mickey Mouse who, after seemingly witnessing Minnie having an affair with another mouse, goes into a depression faze where he attempts to end his own life. On a walk, waiting for his own demise, he dumps into this mod's version of Boyfriend, who tries to convince him not to go down this path of life. Speaking of Boyfriend...

Who is He? What Has He Done?

Boyfriend is the main protagonist of Wednesday's Infidelity. A version of the character who was around in the 1930's, after Mickey bumps into him on a walk, Boyfriend, seeing Mickey's intentions to try and end his own life, tries to convince him otherwise by singing with him. Depending on how well you do in his songs, Boyfriend will either be somewhat successful in this by stalling him enough to where Minnie intervenes and reveals that she never reciprocated the mouse's feelings, leading to Mickey giving up his plans to end his own life (before being fucking blown up by Satan), or he fails and Mickey aims a gun to his head, preparing to end his own life while a portal to hell opens up behind Boyfriend, trying to suck him inside. Boyfriend, holding on, tries in one last ditch effort to stop this from happening, but ultimately fails and gets brought to tell, where he now must face off against a version of Mickey who has gone completely mad, as well as the devil himself.

Admirable Standard?

Admittedly, Boyfriend doesn't have the largest rapsheet, nor is he the most admirable character out there. With all that being said, I think the fact that he tried to prevent someone who he seemingly didn't know at all from ending his own life is a pretty admirable feat, especially in the mod's "bad" ending where he clings on and tries to stop himself from being dragged into hell just so he can try in one last ditch effort to stop Mickey from ending his own life. So overall, while not the most admirable act out there, the fact that he went out of his way to try and stop someone from committing suicide is a pretty admirable feat in my opinion. Anther thing that I also think helps Boyfriend in this regard is that it wasn't a completely harmless endeavor, like Mickey straight up started throwing deadly syringes at him at one point and yet he still chose to keep going. Plus the bad ending has the straight up Devil dragging him into hell simply because he tried to help, so yeah, Boyfriend was also putting himself in harm's way just to keep this random guy from committing suicide.

Another factor that I also think helps in this regard is the fact that, as far as Friday Night Funkin' mods go, the act of trying to prevent someone's suicide is a pretty unique feat not really shared with most other adaptations of the character, hell most of them can barely be classified as heroes, so the fact that Boyfriend does this allows him to stand out from his fellow modfolk.

Mitigating Factors

Boyfriend is a very flat character who doesn't even speak a single line of dialogue. With that said, the mod more than characterizes him as a selfless individual who goes out of his way to try and stop Mickey from ending his own life, and also shows clear horror when he sees what happened to Mickey upon finding himself in hell, as well as desperation in the "Last Stand" song. So despite not having a whole lot of character, I still think he shows enough to not be considered insufficiently characterized.

As for actual corrupting factors? None really, he's just a selfless individual who lacks the typical corrupting traits that most versions of Boyfriend are given in regards to Friday Night Funkin' Mod. He's an overall goodhearted individual who tries to stop a depressed mouse from ending his own life.


Bit of an odd one, but I think he's got a decent chance at qualifying.