“ | I am no medicine cat; I cannot read the stars like Yellowfang or Cinderpelt, but I have always been willing to trust our warrior ancestors, wherever they might lead our Clan. | „ |
~ Whitestorm to Fireheart about the warrior code |
“ | If wishes were prey, we'd eat like lions come leaf-bare. But we'd die of boredom! You know that's not what the life of the Clans is like. The warrior code guides us through the dark times, the cold and the hunger. And the good times seem all the sweeter for it. Have faith, Bluestar. We'll survive. | „ |
~ Whitestorm reassuring Bluestar |
Whitestorm is a major supporting character in Erin Hunter’s Warriors book series. He is a ThunderClan senior warrior who is renowned for his wisdom and his loyalty and is respected by all. He quickly becomes a kind of mentor to Fireheart after the orange tom is named deputy, helping him go through his daily tasks, supporting him in his decisions and giving him precious advice, so much so that Firestar, once leader of his clan, makes him his deputy.
He is a major protagonist in The Prophecies Begin act and super edition Bluestar’s Prophecy, and a minor character in the rest of the series.
This section is too long. Visit here for more details: Whitestorm's Synopsis on the Heroes Wiki.
What Makes Him Pure Good?[]
- Overall, he shows unshakable faith in StarClan and the warrior code.
- He thanks Bluefur for taking care of him as a kitten and an apprentice and for teaching him everything.
- He reassures Bluestar after a harsh winter by showing great optimism in their survival.
- He accepts Rusty into ThunderClan with no second thought and takes part in his training.
- He scorns Sandpaw for mocking Firepaw about his kittypet origins.
- He believes Firepaw when he defends Yellowfang, who was accused of having kidnapped Frostfur's kits, a crime which Clawface was actually responsible for.
- He agrees to assist Yellowfang and the ShadowClan elders in overthrowing Brokenstar and ending his tyranny.
- He stops Firepaw from killing Clawface because warriors do not need to kill to win battles.
- He offers a one-moon truce to ShadowClan after Brokenstar's defeat, allowing them to recover from the chaos that he left.
- He praises Firepaw and Graypaw for their fighting skills in front of Bluestar, prompting her to give them their warrior names.
- He orders the clan to stop talking and to listen to Fireheart as he is about to reveal Tigerclaw's treason.
- He genuinely congratulates Fireheart after he is named deputy and enthusiastically offers his help to him.
- He continually helps Fireheart with his deputy duties by giving him advice and reassuring him about the difficulty of his task.
- He also takes responsibility over the clan when Fireheart and Bluestar cannot.
- He spends a lot of time looking after Bluestar who became mentally unstable following Tigerclaw's attempt on her life.
- He helps Fireheart deal with his nephew and apprentice Cloudpaw's disregard for authority.
- He follows Fireheart and Mousefur to help Runningwind who was attacked during a nighttime patrol, and fights Tigerclaw and his rogues when they turn out to be the aggressors, even though they are outnumbered.
- He defends Cloudpaw against Darkstripe when the latter blames him for returning to his kittypet life.
- During the fire outbreak, he helps his clan escape from the camp and guides Bluestar and the rest of his clanmates to RiverClan territory.
- When Fireheart tells him about his surprise visit to Tallstar in order to prevent Bluestar from starting a conflict with WindClan, he doesn’t resent him (even though it is a traitorous act) but is saddened that Fireheart did not consult with him first, showing his loyalty.
- Even though he is dubious at first, he listens to Longtail when the latter reports that he saw Tigerstar feeding the dog pack on ThunderClan’s territory, and encourages him to tell Fireheart about it.
- He leads his clanmates to Sunningrocks to protect them from the dog pack and looks after them while Fireheart and some of his warriors bait the dogs to the gorges.
- He feels sorry and guilty for Bluestar’s death, having let her slip out of his watch, but he is relieved when Fireheart tells him that she died at peace with StarClan.
- He is genuinely surprised when Firestar makes him his deputy and he thanks him, promising to serve his clan as they deserve.
- He watches over the clan every time Firestar is away from the camp.
- In spite of his fears and insecurities due to his old age and lack of ambition, making him anticipate his death, he shows confidence in Firestar and decides to fight in the battle against BloodClan, where he loses his life.
- On his deathbed, he keeps on thanking Firestar for everything and designates Graystripe as his successor, showing his endless loyalty to his leader.
- Even as a spirit, he keeps on watching over ThunderClan and fights in the Great Battle against the Dark Forest, where he helps fight off the raid on the ThunderClan camp.
External Links[]
- Whitestorm on the Warriors Wiki.
- Whitestorm on the Heroes Wiki.
- Whitestorm on the Love Exalted Wiki.