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If we're not clever about this, no one will get to your brother.
~ Will to Tom in the trailer

Will Schofield is the main protagonist of the 2019 Academy Award-nominated film 1917. He is a Lance Corporal and soldier of the British Armed Forces who is given a chance to call off an attack to put an attack that will threaten 1600+ people.

He is portrayed by George MacKay.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

  • Arriving at an abandoned farmhouse, he, alongside Tom Blake, dragged a burned pilot from the German plane that was being shot down.
  • Although he killed the pilot for stabbing Tom, it was out of self-defence as he knew that the pilot will kill him if he decided to spare him, therefore explaining why he was reluctant to kill the pilot.
  • He comforted Tom as the latter died, promising to complete the mission and to write to Tom's mother.
  • He decided to part with the lorries that tried to cross the broken bridge, but before he did, he was warned that Colonel Mackenzie would prefer fighting over following orders.
  • He defeated a German sniper, who was going to destroy the supply lorries that were stopped at the bridge, in an equal fight.
  • He comforted an innocent French woman and her baby, providing them his food supplies as gratitude for treating his wounds.
  • While he did leave the French woman and her baby behind despite her pleas, he only did so because he was running out of time as he had to quickly stop Mackenzie from commanding the attack.
  • He fends off a couple of German soldiers, evading them by jumping to a river and washing on the riverbank.
    • He was even unwilling to kill the German soldiers because they were trying to have him killed, even if he had to strangle one of them.
  • He tried to reach Colonel Mackenzie, forcing his way through the crowded trenches just as the infantry began their charge.
  • He told of Tom's heroism towards his brother Joseph and gives him his rings and dog tag, advising them to write about Tom's heroics after being told that Joseph was deployed during the first wave.
  • He is shown to seriously care about his family, reminiscing about them at the end of the film.

External Links[]


           DreamWorks 2016 Pure Goods

Animated Features
Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Private | Gromit | Roddy St. James | Po | Shifu | Oogway | Tigress | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | Toothless | Roxanne Ritchi | Minion | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Valka | Li Shan | Queen Poppy | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Nari | Perrito | Ethical Bug | Ruby Gillman | Roz | Longneck

Live-Action Features
Christy Fimple | William Lennox | Will Schofield

Animated Television
Shiro | Hunk | Allura | Kanjigar the Courageous | AAARRRGGHH!!! | She-Ra | Bow | Mara | Darius Bowman | Sammy Gutierrez | Kipo Oak

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

See Also
20th Century Studios Pure Goods | Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Pure Goods | Kung Fu Panda Pure Goods | Netflix Pure Goods | Paramount Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods | Univeral Studios Pure Goods

           UniversalLogo Pure Goods

Animated Features
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Frosty the Snowman | Santa Claus | Mrs. Claus | Amalthea | Fievel Mousekewitz | Littlefoot | Sophie | The BFG | Rex | Balto | Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Barbie Roberts | Ken Carson | Princess Odette | Fairy Queen | Princess Anneliese | Queen Erika | Elina | Princess Annika | Gromit | Roddy St. James | Princess Rosella | Princess Luciana | Mariposa | Despereaux Tilling | 9 | Corinne D'Artagnan | Roxanne Ritchi | Minion | Blair Willows | Ted Wiggins | Norman Babcock | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Princess Catania | Hiccup Haddock | Toothless | Valka | Eggs | Winnie Portley-Rind | Princess Alexa | Private | Princess Courtney | Oogway | Tigress | Po | Shifu | Li Shan | Ratchet | Clank | Kubo | Johnny | Moxy | Queen Poppy | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Nari | Perrito | Ethical Bug | Mario | Luigi | Princess Peach | Ruby Gillman | Roz | Longneck

Live-Action Features
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Animated Television
Optimus Prime | Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn | Ty Rux | Shiro | Hunk | Allura | Kanjigar the Courageous | AAARRRGGHH!!! | She-Ra | Bow | Mara | Hudson Harper | Darius Bowman | Sammy Gutierrez | Kipo Oak

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Yukon Cornelius | Frosty the Snowman | Karen | Santa Claus | Mrs. Claus | Sir 1023 | Jack Frost

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Bruce Banner

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Barbie Pure Goods | DreamWorks Pure Goods | Dr. Seuss Pure Goods | Five Nights at Freddy's Pure Goods | Illumination Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Pure Goods | Laika Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Pure Goods | Netflix Pure Goods | Rankin/Bass Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | Super Mario Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods
