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William Lennox is a major protagonist in Michael Bay's Transformers film series. He is the leader of the NEST Squad that the Autobots operate with and a loyal ally who supported them even years later when they finally left for Cybertron.

He was portrayed by Josh Duhamel.

What Makes Him Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • While the admirable standard of the flim series is considerably high, it's unfair to compare Lennox to the Transformers; however, even then he'd still need to be compared to Sam and Cade, both of whom have less resources than him (at least initially) and played key roles in the Autobots' victories. However, Lennox stands out from them for the following reasons:
    • During the Battle of Mission City, he was the one who managed to damage Megatron's chest with a sabot round, which was the only reason Sam was able to put the Cube in his chest, destroying it and killing him, makin both Sam and Lennox very important players in saving humanity and preventing all of Earth's machines from transforming into Decepticons.
    • He was the one who had Optimus body brought to Egypt, while all the other soldiers, even Epps, doubted the success of Sam's plan. If Lennox had not chosen to trust him and take the Prime to Egypt, Sam wouldn't have been able to bring him back to life to defeat The Fallen and prevent him from destroying the sun.
  • Just like Sam he was among the few humans who truly respected the Autobots and treated them as friends and living beings instead of machines or weapons, standing by them to the end in the final battle against Quintessa.
  • While him tricking Galloway into jumping out of the plane may seem too mischievous, not only was it done in a safe manner to preserve his health, but it was also for the greater good as it allowed the NEST Troops and the Autobots to carry out their mission without the governments's interference, and it also saved Galloway's life as said planes would be destroyed by The Fallen in the battle's climax.


  • He is first seen returning to the SOCCENT operation base in Qatar after having left to fight in a mission behind enemy lines.
  • As the men discussed what they most wanted to do upon getting home, Lennox broke up an argument between them because Fig was speaking spanish and then mentioned he only wanted to get home and see his newborn daughter.
  • Upon arriving and chatting with Mahfouz, he started a video chat with his wife before Blackout arrived at the base and began transmitting a signal that interrupted Lennox's video call, to which he promised his wife he'd be home as soon as possible.
  • When Blackout began his attack on the base, Lennox led his team to safety and returned to save Mahfouz and take him with them, leading them all away to safety and saving them from being killed as Blackout murdered everyone else on the base.
  • He then led his team through the desert, determined to take the information they had gathered, as well as a photo Epps had taken, back to the pentagon and intended to take Mahfouz to his hometown where they could also try to find a phone.
  • Upon nearing the village however, the men were attacked by Scorponok. Lennox then led his team to the village and ordered a defensive perimeter while he took Mahfouz to his father's house and asked for a telephone to contact the pentagon.
  • Even though he was incredibly annoyed and lashed out at the operator who answered, it's understandable since he was on a battlefield desperately trying to contact reinforcements while he was being unhelpful and promoting the company's services.
  • He eventually managed to succesfully contact the pentagon and handed the phone to Epps so he could ask for aerial support. He then had his men light up Scorponok as a target for the arriving A-10 Thunderbolt IIs.
  • After the battle was over, he went to check on Fig who'd been struck by one of Scorponok's missiles and had a medical team called down for him.
  • En route back to America, the team studied Scorponok's tail and Lennox discovered that sabot rounds could burn through cybertronian armor, ordering Epps to let the aerial force know.
  • Later when Megatron began to thaw, and Sam asked Simmons to free Bumblebee to which he refused, causing Lennox to convince him by holding at gunpoint and demanding the Autobot's freedom.
  • He and his men then escorted Sam and Bee to Mission City while they transported the Cube. Upon arriving, they were soon assaulted by Starscream and later Brawl.
  • After Megatron arrived, Lennox and his men worked with the Autobots to take on Brawn and later Blackout, though Jazz had the humans leave the area, Lennox tried to convince him to leave as well but couldn't.
  • After realizing the Decepticons were afer the Cube, Lennox talked to Sam and assigned him to take the Cube, calling in a helicopter to pick him up and giving him a flare to signal, telling him to go to the highest building while he worked with Ironhide and Ratchet to cover his retreat.
  • He and the men then drew Brawl's fire before Bee finally killed him, afterwards he and the others went to assist Optimus. When Blackout rejoined the fight, he took a motorcycle and took on the Decepticon by himself, ramming under him and shooting him in the gearbox until he dropped dead, avenging the men he had killed in Qatar.
  • He later shot a sabot round at Megatron's chest which allowed Sam to use the Cube to kill him, ensuring their victory and saving mankind.

Revenge of the Fallen[]

  • In the following years, he became the field commander of NEST, an alliance between humanity and the Autobots to hunt down and find any remaining Decepticons on the planet.
  • When Demolishor was detected in Shanghai, Lennox and his team were deployed, quickly locating the Decepticon and attempting to neutralize him before he made his escape, Lennox had Sideswipe and the Arcee sisters deployed, when a second Decepticon was located.
  • He payed his respects to 3 soldiers killed in the battle, and ordered a video briefing between Optimus Prime and General Morshower. He then tried to defend the Autobots from Galloway's accusations.
  • Later after Megatron was ressurected, the Autobots moved out but refused to specify where they were going, regardless Lennox had a NEST team deployed to their location for backup, though the battle ultimately ended in Optimus Prime's death.
  • When Optimus' corpse was brought back to the air base where the Autobots were surrounded by soldiers, Lennox ordered them to stand down.
  • Galloway then revealed that he was now in charge of NEST and had it dismissed as well as the Autobots put under guard, though Lennox tried to argue in their favor.
  • Later he recieved a phone call from Simmons who informed him that he and Sam needed Optimus' body brought to Egypt, making Lennox realize they had an idea and though he found it strange, he chose to trust them.
  • He spread the word among NEST Troops to gather a following and sent the coordinates to General Morshower, warning him in advance to have an aerial team ready, which would ultimately prove to be a key part of the Autobots' victory in Egypt.
  • On the way to the coordinates, Lennox and the rest were able to trick Galloway into opening his parachute inside the plane, safely gettinng him out of the plane while he and the rest geared up and then parachuted down to wait for Sam.
  • He then had a flare popped in order to lead Sam to them.
  • When Megatron and his Decepticons arrived, Lennox ordered a group to go with Ironhide and Arcee to find Sam and lead him through the pillars, where NEST would ambush the Decepticons.
  • Irohide's team was unable to reach Sam but gave his location to Lennox who ordered the tanks to provide cover fire while he and Epps went for Sam who was getting chased by Megatron.
  • Later while the air strike took place, Lennox took Mikaela and Sam with him to cover, though Sam ran off and was killed by Megatron. Lennox ran to his aid and attempted to perform CPR on him and had Epps call a medic team, just then, Sam was revived by the spirits of the Primes and used the Matrix to bring back Optimus.
  • Once Optimus flew off to confront The Fallen, he ordered the aerial team to follow him as backup.

Dark of the Moon[]

  • With the Decepticons mostly gone, Lennox's team mostly focused on solving human problems around the globe.
  • He went to Ucraine with the Autobots to investigate "something alien" in the Chernobyl power plant. Lennox and his team were led into the plant and located but were shortly after attacked by the Driller.
  • Lennox and his team evacuated the building and outside joined Optimus Prime in fighting off the driller, managing to regain possession of the device, which Optimus told Lennox was a piece from an Autobot ship.
  • Later when Sam discovered that Sentinel was the target, Lennox deployed NEST Teams to track the Decepticons down while he met up with Sam at the gate, ordering Ironhide to protect Sentinel, however, the Prime soon revealed his true alligeance and turned on them.
  • He had the NEST Teams recalled and had the base evacuated while Sentinel stole the pillars, he then kept Mearing from confronting him.
  • After the attack on Chicago, Lennox went to coordinate a response, networking with Morshower and Mearing by video though they were unable to find out what was happening in Chicago until they got a transmission from Epps, Sam and Carly via a downed military drone.
  • Learning of the situation and the upcoming battle, Lennox then organized a NEST team to enter the embattled city but before they left he gave a speech to inspire the soldiers and told them that due to the stakes, he would accept it if anybody wished to go home.
  • They traveled in by Osprey and used a combination of wingsuits and parachutes to reach the ground. Lennox then found Sam being attacked by Starscream and tried to cut him free from the grappling glove he was using (which was tied to Starscream's head) before the bomb (also in Starscream's head) went off.
  • He and Sam then rendezvoused with Epps, the NEST Soldiers and the Navy Seals to coordinate a proper plan of attack.
  • After Dutch lowered the bridge, they set up an ambush on several Decepticons including Shockwave and Barricade.
  • He and some of the others parachuted down in an attempt to get on top of the Decepticons and engage them at close range.
  • After Optimus took out the Decepticons, he aided in the fight against Sentinel and helped take out the pillar.

Age of Extinction[]

  • After the Autobots began to be hunted down, Lennox left NEST and didn't participate in the Transformer hunts that the military began to partake in with the collaboration of Cemetery Wind.
  • At some point, Lennox was sent to infiltrate the TRF on behalf of the military, not only to capture Decepticons but also to prevent Autobot casualties like those at the hands of Harold Attinger.

The Last Knight[]

  • He was part of a squad sent to neutralize Cade Yeager, where he tried to deescalate the conflict between the TRF and the Autobots once Bee and Hound showed up.
  • Later during a meeting with Morshower, he was informed of the horns that had began surfacing around Earth and off how Megatron had abducted two CIA opperatives. To appease to the Decepticon leader, he led a negotiation party to talk with Megatron and release some Decepticons in exchange for the safety of the human lives.
  • After Megatron and the Decepticons set out for the Autobots, Lennox took the TRF and followed to provide backup, shutting down Santos' suggestions of taking out all cybertronians and understanding his discontent with the government's choices.
  • He then oversaw the operation to locate Cade, and found him after he made off with Bee, Cogman, and Vivienne in an HMS Alliance submarine, He then tracked the submarine to an ancient cybertronian ship underground and took a squad to investigate, eventually meeting up with Cade inside the Knights' chamber.
  • During the ensuing battle as the knights came back to life, he tried to avoid harm to both parties by negotiating with Vivienne to drop the staff.
  • After Nemesis Prime killed the knights and took the staff, Lennox ordered his men to return to their ships and went with Cade to the top of the ship after saving him from drowning, joining with Bee to confront Nemesis and negotiate with him.
  • After Optimus regained his mind and gathered the Autobots to fight back, Lennox went with them to the final battle and contacted Morshower, supplying the location of Quintessa's chamber. After Optimus' speech, Lennox, Cadde, Vivienne and some men went up in Ospreys carried by the Autobot ship and Dragonstorm.
  • Despite the warning that fighters were still being shot down, Lennox had the Ospreys launch and they made it to the platform containing the ignition chamber, allowing Vivienne and Cade to run to the chamber and retrieve the staff while he joined the Autobots in providing cover fire.
  • Morshower then contacted Lennox to inform him that a nuclear strike was inbound, so Lennox had his team bail. After Cade decided to stay, he entrusted Izabelle to Lennox, who took her with him and the others as they parachuted to safety.
  • After Quintessa's defeat, Lennox and the others watched as the Autobots returned to Cybertron, bidding a final farewell to his old friends.


  • He is the only character from the Bayverse to be considered PG, which is understandable given the much more violent and homicidal portrayal of both Autobots and humans in the Film Series as opposed to other Transformers Continuities.
  • He is the second Transformers PG to be a human being, after Jack Darby.

External Links[]


           Transformers Logo Pure Goods

TV Shows
Generation One: Optimus Prime | Rodimus Prime | Star Saber
Beast Wars/Beast Machines: Optimus Primal | Cheetor
Unicron Trilogy: Optimus Prime | Primus
Animated: Optimus Prime
Aligned Continuity: Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Smokescreen | Jack Darby

Original Films: William Lennox
Reboot Films: Bumblebee | Optimus Primal
Transformers One: Optimus Prime | Alpha Trion

Other Media
IDW Comics: Optimus Prime/Orion Pax
Bayverse: Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | William Lennox
Prime Wars Trilogy: Optimus Prime | Metroplex

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Animated Features
Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Gromit | Ben | Roddy St. James | Po | Shifu | Oogway | Tigress | Private | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | Toothless | Roxanne Ritchi | Minion | Tintin | Li Shan | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Optimus Prime | Alpha Trion

Live-Action Features
Mary Hatch | Clarence Odbody | Marion Ravenwood | Johnny Smith | Forrest Gump | Dewey Riley | Christy Fimple | William Lennox | Spider-Man | Jane Foster | Captain America | Bruce Banner | Bumblebee | Tom Wachowski | Miles "Tails" Prower | Opitimus Primal

Animated Television
Arnold Shortman | Eliza Thornberry | Aang | Iroh | Suki | Princess Yue | Michelangelo | Tenzin | Asami Sato | Jinora | Wan

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Peter Parker | Jane Foster | Captain America | Bruce Banner

Sheldon J. Plankton | Karen Plankton | Squidward Tentacles | SpongeBob SquarePants | Sheldon J. Plankton

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | DreamWorks Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Pure Goods | Nickelodeon Pure Goods | Sonic Pure Goods | Spongebob Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods

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Animated Features
Mrs. Brisby | Justin | Nicodemus | Princess Teegra | Princess Irene | Crysta | Magi Lune | Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Zebedee | Rodney Copperbottom | Bigweld | Gromit | Roddy St. James | Horton the Elephant | Minion | Roxanne Ritchi | Blu | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Mary "MK" Katherine | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | Toothless | Valka | Manolo Sánchez | La Muerte | Private | Po | Shifu | Tigress | Oogway | Li Shan | Queen Poppy | Ferdinand | Walter Beckett | Ambrosius Goldenloin

Live-Action Features
Colonel Dax | Benji | Gillian Bellaver | Yoda | Amanda Krueger | Nancy Thompson | Alice Johnson | Simon | Princess Daisy | Mark Evans | Heather Langenkamp Porter | Christy Fimple | Laurie Strode | Qui-Gon Jinn | Padmé Amidala | Roos Tarpals | Boxer | Elijah Brodski | Bail Organa | William Lennox | Lee Brackett | Jake Sully | Aslan | Rocket | Maurice | Aubrey Bradimore | Solomon Northup | Guy

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

See Also
Blue Sky Pure Goods | Disney Pure Goods | DreamWorks Pure Goods | Lucasfilm Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Super Mario Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods

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Animated Features
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Frosty the Snowman | Santa Claus | Mrs. Claus | Amalthea | Fievel Mousekewitz | Littlefoot | Sophie | The BFG | Rex | Balto | Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Barbie Roberts | Ken Carson | Princess Odette | Fairy Queen | Princess Anneliese | Queen Erika | Elina | Princess Annika | Gromit | Roddy St. James | Princess Rosella | Princess Luciana | Mariposa | Despereaux Tilling | 9 | Corinne D'Artagnan | Roxanne Ritchi | Minion | Blair Willows | Ted Wiggins | Norman Babcock | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Princess Catania | Hiccup Haddock | Toothless | Valka | Eggs | Winnie Portley-Rind | Princess Alexa | Private | Princess Courtney | Oogway | Tigress | Po | Shifu | Li Shan | Ratchet | Clank | Kubo | Johnny | Moxy | Queen Poppy | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Nari | Perrito | Ethical Bug | Mario | Luigi | Princess Peach | Ruby Gillman | Roz | Longneck

Live-Action Features
Atticus Finch | Wade Parent | Laurie Strode | E.T. | Jen | Kira | Ellie Sattler | Itzhak Stern | Gareth Peirce | Christy Fimple | Paul Edgecomb | John Coffey | Cindy Low Who | God | William Lennox | Lee Brackett | Bruce Banner | Snow White | Charlie Roan | Laurie Strode | Flip Zimmerman | Will Schofield | OJ Haywood | Eric | Abby Schmidt

Animated Television
Optimus Prime | Ahsoka Tano | Captain Rex | Padmé Amidala | Yoda | Echo | Fives | Roos Tarpals | Bail Organa | Satine Kryze | Qui-Gon Jinn | Ty Rux | Shiro | Hunk | Allura | Kanjigar the Courageous | AAARRRGGHH!!! | She-Ra | Bow | Mara | Hudson Harper | Darius Bowman | Sammy Gutierrez | Kipo Oak

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Yukon Cornelius | Frosty the Snowman | Karen | Santa Claus | Mrs. Claus | Sir 1023 | Jack Frost

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Bruce Banner

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Barbie Pure Goods | DreamWorks Pure Goods | Dr. Seuss Pure Goods | Five Nights at Freddy's Pure Goods | Illumination Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Pure Goods | Laika Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Pure Goods | Netflix Pure Goods | Rankin/Bass Pure Goods | Stephen King Pure Goods | Super Mario Pure Goods | Star Wars Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Pure Goods | Tim Burton Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods

           DreamWorks 2016 Pure Goods

Animated Features
Z 4195 | Moses | Miriam | Ginger | Spirit | Private | Gromit | Roddy St. James | Po | Shifu | Oogway | Tigress | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | Toothless | Roxanne Ritchi | Minion | Jack Frost | Toothiana | Sanderson Mansnoozie | Valka | Li Shan | Queen Poppy | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Nari | Perrito | Ethical Bug | Ruby Gillman | Roz | Longneck

Live-Action Features
Christy Fimple | William Lennox | Will Schofield

Animated Television
Shiro | Hunk | Allura | Kanjigar the Courageous | AAARRRGGHH!!! | She-Ra | Bow | Mara | Darius Bowman | Sammy Gutierrez | Kipo Oak

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

See Also
20th Century Studios Pure Goods | Amblin Entertainment Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Pure Goods | Kung Fu Panda Pure Goods | Netflix Pure Goods | Paramount Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Pure Goods | Transformers Pure Goods | Univeral Studios Pure Goods
