Willow Rosenberg is a major protagonist in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a supporting character in the spinoff Angel. At the start of the series, she is a student at Sunnydale High where she meets Buffy Summers and becomes her loyal best friend.
What Makes Her Pure Good?[]
- After discovering Buffy's secret she helps her take on various threats against Sunnydale and the world.
- Came up with a plan that allowed Angel to defeat Eyghon without having to sacrifice Jenny Calendar.
- Supported her boyfriend Oz through his troubles with his werewolf form.
- Restored Angel's soul twice, thus removing Angelus as a threat.
- Protected Sunnydale along with the other Scoobies after Buffy left due to being forced to sacrifice Angel.
- Forgave Angel's sins as Angelus after he saved her from Gwendolyn Post.
- Helped save Angel when he was tormented by The First Evil.
- Trapped her evil wishverse counterpart in her original universe.
- Despite having the opportunity to go to various prestigious colleges she chose to remain in Sunnydale to continue helping Buffy in her fight against evil.
- Took part in the battle to stop Mayor Wilkins' ascension alongside various other students.
- Saved Spike from his attempted suicide even though he was her enemy and had previously made multiple attempts on her life.
- Performed a spell with Tara that restored Buffy and Faith to their original bodies after they had swapped.
- Used her magical abilities to help defeat Adam.
- Forgave Tara when she did a spell that almost got her killed and stood up for her to her abusive family.
- Though she did become a villain towards the end of season six she had moral agency issues as the magic was influencing her and she became incredibly remorseful after this was counteracted with good magic.
- Used her magic to activate all the potential slayers so that the odds would be more even in Buffy's battle against The First Evil.
External Links[]
- Willow Rosenberg on the Heroes Wiki
- Willow Rosenberg on the Buffyverse Wiki