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Pure Good Wiki
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I think everyone has multiple sides to them. You don't have to force yourself to decide on just one.
~ Yukiko comforting Rise.

Yukiko Amagi is one of the main characters and party members in Persona 4 and its multiple spin-offs. She is a second-year at Yasogami High and works at her family's hotel, the Amagi Inn, who is part of the Investigation Team to discover the culprit behind the murders in Inaba.

She's voiced by Ami Koshimizu in Japanese and by Amanda Winn-Lee in the English dub.

What makes her Pure Good?[]

  • She lacks the corrupting factors that most of the other members of her team have. (While she has a shadow, it originates from her personal lack of freedom rather than having bad qualities.)
  • She helps in saving people such as Kanji, Rise and Naoto from the TV World, and helped defeat their Shadow forms.
  • She helped in the defeat of Mitsuo Kubo, who murdered her homeroom teacher Mr. Morooka purely for fame and attention.
  • She helps saves Yu's cousin Nanako from Taro Namatame who kidnapped her and took her into the TV World, and helped in defeating Kumino-sagiri, a deity-like shadow that possesed Namatame.
  • She stopped Tohru Adachi from fusing the TV World and the real world which would cause the world to be infested with Shadows that woud eventually envelop all of humanity and turn them all into Shadows, and whom is also responsible for the deaths of Saki Konishi and Mayumi Yamano, and pushing several teenagers into the TV World by proxy using Namatame.
  • She helped in stopping Izanami, a god who was behind all of the events of the game, such as giving the protagonist, Adachi and Namatame the power to use Personas, causing Adachi to become a serial killer, and was continuing Adachi's goal of turning everyone into Shadows for herself.
  • In Persona 4 Golden, she helped save Marie and defeat Kusumi-no-Okami, Marie's true corrupted form.


  • Originally, Yukiko was the first choice of the culprit behind the murders in Inaba before Tohru Adachi was created (the other being Yosuke Hanamura). Had this been the case, Yukiko wouldn't qualify as Pure Good.

External Links[]


Persona PSP logo Pure Goods

Persona 3
Fuuka Yamagishi | Mitsuru Kirijo | Aigis

Persona 4
Yu Narukami (anime) | Yukiko Amagi | Naoto Shirogane

Persona 5
Makoto Niijima | Sae Niijima
Persona 5 Strikers
Sophia | Zenkichi Hasegawa

See Also
SEGA Pure Goods
