Yuko Mianmi is the deuteragonist of Ultraman Ace, the fifth installment in the Ultraman franchise.
She is female host of Ultraman Ace and one of the surviving members of the Lunar civilization, a race of aliens that once lived on the moon. Originally once a nurse working at a hospital, she eventually went onto become one of Ultraman Ace’s human host after she died sacrificing herself trying to save a kid.
She is portrayed by Mitsuko Hoshi.
What Makes Her Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- As a result of her being one of Ace’s “human” hosts during the first 28 episodes of the series, all the admirable deeds he did in them are technically shared by her as well (e.g. stopping Doragory and Metron jr from sabotaging TAC’s attempt to blow up the planet Goran with the Maria 2 (thus preventing it from colliding with Earth), preventing the Ultra brothers from getting blown up on Planet Golgotha, defeating Yapool and rescuing all the kids on Earth that he had kidnapped, defeating Alien Hipporito while also freeing all the Ultra brothers he had had been turned to bronze, bringing Father of Ultra back to the land of light so that he could be revived, defeating Lunatyx’s and stopping him from absorbing the Magma from Earth’s core (thus preventing him from wiping out humanity)
- Due to the bond she had with Seiji/Ace, her will began to dwell within him even after she departed, resulting in him fighting Terrible monsters as if he she was still there fighting alongside him.
- Additionally, when Ace/Seiji began describing to Mebius/Mirai how close they were, Mebius was eventually able to parallel their bond to his bond with GUYS and get the confidence he needed to rise back up and ultimately defeat Yapool.
- Although it can be argued that Shin Hayata, Hideki Go, Seiji Hokuto, and Kotaro Higashi are more admirable than her due to defending Earth longer, they technically had the benefit of having more screen time due to being the main characters and appearing in all the episodes of their series (which usually lasted around 50 something episodes). For context, Hayata had 39 episodes, Go appeared in 51 episodes, Seiji appeared in 52, and Kotaro appeared in 53. Now compare to Yuko, she has the least amount of screen time overall, with her appearing in 30 episodes of Ace, 1 episode of Taro, and 1 episode of Mebius, leaving her total number of appearances to 32, only 7 episodes less than Hayata.
- Under the advisory of her people, she traveled all the way to Earth so that she protect it from Lunatyx.
- Prior to joining TAC, she worked as a nurse at a hospital
Ultraman Ace[]
- While Velokron was destroying a church, she attempted to help a girl in a wheelchair get to safety
- After being revived by Ace, she and Hokuto went to go join TAC. However, before leaving, she and Hokuto briefly took the time to say goodbye to a group of orphans, with Yuko in particular encouraging them to say safe.
- During TAC’s battle against Velokron, she managed to help a bunch of students evacuate from their school
- During Chameleking’s rampage, she and Hokuto managed to stop a group of kids from trying to get up close to it.
- Following this, she and Hokuto later brought the kids back to safety
- When Hokuto suspected that Captain Ryu suspended him (during episode 2) because he didn’t succeed at destroying Chameleking’s egg, Yuko reassured him that this wasn’t the case and that Ryu still trusted him more than anyone else.
- As Captain Ryu was about to perform a strategy that might endanger his life (in a attempt to defeat Chameleking), her and Hokuto began chasing them on their motorcycle so that they could save him
- Following Chameleking’s defeat, her and the rest of TAC began checking on Captain Ryu to see if he was okay
- While out on patrol (during the beginning of episode 3) in the TAC arrow jet, she briefly took the time to wave back at kid who was saying hello to her while standing on a bridge
- Upon witnessing Vakishim destroy the bridge that the kid was standing on, she immediately called in the rest of TAC for backup.
- Before transforming into Ace (alongside Seiji) to fight against Vakishim, she defended TAC’s Hq when Vakishim tried to destroy it
- Upon learning that Nakawa was gonna fight against Garan and that Hokuto went after her, she immediately went to tell Captain Ryu so that TAC would be able to save them.
- When Hokuto suggested the possibility of Yapool being responsible for the vanishing of the 2 woman who were dragged underground, she was the first one who believed him.
- Near the climax of episode 5, she helped a bunch of people evacuate from a train station as it was being attacked from underground by Aribunta
- Although initially reluctant at first, she eventually agreed to use herself as bait for Aribunta when Captain Ryu revealed that he, Kunno, and Mikawa were stuck underground.
- Following Koyama’s return to Earth, her and Hokuto both agreed to bring him back home under Captain Ryu’s advisory so that he could reunite with son Atsushi.
- Upon noticing that Brocken had Hokuto and Atsushi in his hands, she immediately began flying the TAC arrow towards him to try and save him.
- While talking to Yuko about the possibly of having to fight both Alien Metron Jr. and another terrible monster of Yapool, he revealed that one of the ways they could potentially deal with the latter was by using the Ace Barrier. At the same time though, he also went on to admit that he was concerned about them performing it due to the likelihood of one of them dying as a result of it taking up half of Ace’s energy. In response to this, Yuko reassured him that he didn’t have to worry about her and that she was perfectly fine with doing it and if it meant saving the Earth.
- When Hokuto started claiming that Alien Metron had disguised himself as Maya, she was the only TAC member who believed him
- By using the Ace barrier on Doragory during their first fight, they managed to temporarily keep him away from TAC for the time being while they dealt with Alien Metron Jr.
- By having the imposter Maya take off the real Maya’s engagement ring (that was given to her by her fiancé Yamanaka) as the two were about to enter TAC’s missile factory, she managed to expose him (in front of Yamanaka) as Alien Metron Jr.
- After returning Maya’s engagement ring back to Yamanaka, she briefly reassured him that she would avenge her (something she ultimately managed to succeed in through Ace)
- By using the Ace barrier on both Dorgory and Alien Metron Jr. in episode 8, her and Hokuto managed to temporarily keep them at bay while TAC was finishing the Maria 2, even if this act nearly killed her in the process.
- When Hokuto started apologizing to her for using the Ace barrier, she reassured him that he did the right thing and that Ace would have been defeated had they not done it, even going so far as to tell him that was she was satisfied and that she had fulfilled her duty.
- Despite being on the verge of death, she still went out of her way to go with Hokuto when Alien Metron Jr. and Doragory began threatening the Maria 2.
- Following Doragory and Alien Metron Jr’s defeat, she began thanking Hokuto for calling her back from the dead.
- While arriving at a medical center to meet up with who they thought was Hideki Go (secretly Alien Antira in disguise), her and Hokuto allowed Jiro Sikata and Rumiko to join them, as they knew how close the former was to him.
- Under Captain Ryu’s advisory, she and Hokuto began helping the people who were at the medical center evacuate while the rest of TAC dealt with Zaigon
- While Captain Ryu and Mikawa fought off against Zaigon, Yuko went inside the medical center to go help Hokuto unlock a room Yahsimura, Rumiko, and Jiro were stuck in
- While inside the Medical center, she managed to save Hokuto from getting killed by Alien Antira.
- Before running off with Hokuto to chase after Jiro, she had Rumiko and Yashimura evacuate from the medical center so that they wouldn’t be killed by Zaigon
- With the help of Hokuto, she managed to defeat Alien Antira while they were on top of the medical center.
- After Hokuto accidentally ran over a girl named Aya, she had him check on her to see if she was okay.
- Following this, she and Hokuto later brought her to a hospital
- Upon learning that Hokuto had told TAC that he was going to stay at the Azuma lake for a brief while due to finding the camping “fun”, she was the only who didn’t assume he was doing it out of selfishness, with her even suggesting there was likely a reason why he was choosing to stay there,
- Following this, she later convinced Captain Ryu to wait for him in case Hokuto ever responded
- Unbeknownst to her, her belief was proven correct as while Hokuto was staying there, he was keeping an eye on the bicycle girls to see if they were secretly Unitang (which in of it self was also proven true)
- Following this, she later convinced Captain Ryu to wait for him in case Hokuto ever responded
- Upon hearing Hokuto telepathically reveal that he was being mind controlled by the bicycle girls, she immediately began chasing after them in order to save him
- During the beginning of episode 12, she briefly took the time bandage up Hokuto’s arm following their/Ace’s first battle against Sabotendar
- Upon receiving a message in the sky from the Ultra brothers telling them to arrive on Golgotha (in addition to their Ultra rings shinning) both her and Hokuto transformed into Ace so that they could meet them
- During Barabas’s rampage, her and Hokuto managed to stop a young boy named Shoji from running into danger.. Following this, her and Hokuto later had Shoji get to safety while promising him that they would avenge his brother
- During Cowra’s Rampage (near the climax of episode 16), her and Hokuto helped Yashimura’s mother and the president of Manon get to safety
- Upon noticing a handicapped little girl that had fallen off her wheelchair, she instantly went to go help her
- While helping Tamiko get back on her wheelchair, she briefly took the time to clean/bandage her knee upon noticing that it had been scraped
- After failing to find any witnesses to the highway murders, her and Hokuto went to travel to the highway where they took place at 2AM to check and see if anything would happen
- In a attempt to protect Tamiko (from She-Devil), she temporarily began spending nights at her house to make sure nothing would happen
- By breaking Tamiko’s mask near the climax of episode 17, she managed to free her from her She-Devil trance
- Upon successfully freeing Tamiko, she briefly took the time to inform her that she was being used by Yapool.
- During the climax of episode 17, she managed to use to a gas like tool to help her and Tamiko escape from Hotarunga
- Upon realizing that the Saburo’s Pigeon Kojiro had been turned into Black Pigeon and that his whistle was causing it to appear every time he blew it, her and Hokuto immediately went to his house to try and warn him
- Upon finding Saburo blowing his whistle at the docks, her and Hokuto started rushing towards him to try and stop him
- After failing to stop Saburo from blowing his whistle, she later contacted the rest of TAC once Black Pigeon started appearing
- Upon realizing that Hokuto was trapped on top of King Kappa’ head, she quickly went inside the TAC arrow to try to save him, despite the fact that her arm had been injured.
- Ultimately by doing this, she was able to save him and transform into Ace
- During the beginning of episode 20, she and Captain Ryu encouraged Hokuto to go on a vacation. (For context, Hokuto had claimed that he saw ship flying in the air but since it didn’t show up on their radar, they had assumed he was hallucinating from the stress and the hot whether that had been present throughout the weekend).
- Upon noticing that Hokuto and Shinoda were stuck on the boat Zemistar was levitating, she immediately went to battle Zemistar herself while inside the TAC arrow.
- While driving with Hokuto during episode 23 , she reassured him that she believed him when he claimed he got attacked and saw a bunch of kids vanish, even going so far as to express sympathy for him by bringing up an incident she experienced that was similar.
- While out on patrol at night, her and Hokuto managed to save a young boy Kenta as he was getting chased by possessed mother Yoshiko/Yojo
- Following this, her and Hokuto then went to bring him into TAC’s hq so that he could report it
- During the beginning of episode 25, her and Hokuto managed to evacuate a bunch of students at a school when red gas began to pop up from below ground
- In addition to this, after finding one of the students who was injured, her and Hokuto later brought him to a hospital.
- Ultimately, while at the hospital, her and Hokuto managed to save him by performing a blood transfusion
- In addition to this, after finding one of the students who was injured, her and Hokuto later brought him to a hospital.
- While Hokuto began jumping out of their car to stop a bus from falling off a cliff, she took his place as the driver so that wouldn’t crash.
- Near the climax of episode 25, she managed to stop Michuru from blowing up TAC’s V9.
- Upon noticing a man who had seemingly been attacked in his car by Alien Hipporito, her and Hokuto went to try and save him
- Despite Alien Hipporito insisting on Earth handing over Ace, her and Hokuto refused to do so. In fact rather than giving him in, they instead choose to fight him.
- Upon being informed by her people that Lunatyx had return to drain the magma from Earth’s core, she immediately made it her mission to try and stop him with the help of Hokuto.
- Upon admitting to Hokuto that she was an alien the whole time, she instantly apologized for it.
- Before separating from Ace, she gave Hokuto her Ultra ring, that way he could continue continue protecting Earth while she helped her people rebuild their society on the moon
- Before leaving Earth to reunite with her people on the moon, she briefly took the time to say goodbye to Hokuto and the rest of TAC.
- In episode 38, she helped restore the vision of multiple people after they were blinded by Snowgiran
- In episode 52, she went to warn Hokuto that if anyone else found out he was Ace, he would have to leave Earth
Ultraman Taro[]
- Upon meeting Kotaro Higashi on Earth, she expressed gratitude to him for his role in defending the Earth.
- During Taro/Kotaro’s battle with Mochiron, she briefly attempted to reason with the latter and convince him into returning to the moon.
- By the climax of episode 39, her and Taro managed to create a new batch of Mochi for the town of Niigata after Mochiron got done eating it.
- Following Mochiron’s defeat, her and Father of Ultra returned him back him to the moon so that he wouldn’t return to Earth to steal any more mochi
Ultraman Mebius[]
- Upon reuniting with Ace/Seiji on the moon, following Yapool’s defeat, she admitted that after departing from him 34 years prior she had mutually felt his presence while alone as well, similar to how he felt hers while alone on Earth.
- She is the very first Ultra host to be Pure good
- Additionally, she’s also the only Ultra host to be an alien rather than a human.
- She’s the very first female character in the Ultraman franchise to be pure good.
External Links[]
- Yuko Minami on the Heroes Wiki.
- Yuko Minami on the Love Exalted Wiki.
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Ultras Human Hosts/Forms |